TTC after 35

Bust!!! Long...

Kind of sad.  This cycle was a bust for us.  Had good timing followed the directions with the CBEFM, sex on high and peak days, but I guess it just wasn't enough.

Called my OB/GYN to start things rolling but he isn't avail to see me until 10/14 so we will try on our own again this month. Please send us prayers that this cycle will be ours.  I haven't officially started AF, although She is due today, but I have been spotting bright red since yesterday and mpst of my sympotms have subsided.

Oh well. We were (both of us) really hoping this was it for some reason more than the other months.

It is almost 4 years since I found out I was pg with DS.  I never thought there would be that large of a time span.  It has really hit me because other people have asked me what my symptoms were with DS.  It had kind of brought me down. That combined with DS preschool teacher wants me to have him tested for a speech delay and focus problems.  DS doesn't have a speech delay, he speaks so much to me & DH, he is very selective about who he speaks to.  He doesn't sit still for circle time, he fidgets, and he doesn't want to play with the other kids.  He is in the same class he had last year while his little friends moved to the upper school for the 3-5 year olds.  We decied to keep him downstairs due to his fidgeting problems since the upperschool has longer circle times etc...  That really depressed me. 

But just this morning as we were leaving for school he said "look mom, bus", I said "yes that is a bus" he asked "a school bus?", "no not a school bus, a regular bus", "OK"

We  practiced saying good morning to his teacher in the car, he did it beautifully "good morning Ms. Minette" but when we got to her, nothing he just stuck his tongue out at her. ( I wanted to laugh) The later he was trying to speak with her to ask her for Mr. Potato head, but she was too busy with the other "new" parents so he asked the aide. Yes I know he doesn't make perfect sentences but he is 3 and 3 months.

I just get sad thinking about it!

Re: Bust!!! Long...

  • what a rough day...It sounds like you are working with him and encouraging him..hang in are amazing and make great strides in short periods of time. {{Hugs}}
    "Onward"--CathyMD Waiting since 07/5/2011 for our forever child! Yep we are adopting!
  • First Im sorry that this cycle didnt work for you.  I hope you are K/U when you go to your apt in Oct! 

    That sounds so frustrating with the school situation.  My mom works in a pre-school and I think it is just ridiculous how they have all these expectations of kids and they are so quick to want them tested for this or that.  Honestly the stuff she tellls me.....  it is like they just want the kids to conform to make their jobs easier.  Fidgeting is probably annoying for the teachers but is doesnt mean he is developmentally delayed. 
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  • I'm sorry you are having a rough couple of days. I don't know why some cycles are more disappointing than others.  The last cycle for me put me over the edge. I think it is good that you have an appt lined up with your GYN.  I think you will feel better once you have a plan in place.

    I don't know much about children and development, not having any yet myself, but he sure sounds like a normal 3 year old to me.  They all fidget!

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  • I'm sorry Shelly! It sounds like you're having a rough day.

    I want to wish you the best of luck with this next cycle...I really hope you get KU and don't have to worry about your next appt.

    And I definitely agree with Mrs K & Holly, I thought 3 yr olds were supposed to fidget?? I would like that something was wrong if they didn't! Have you ever thought he may not like this teacher? I know when I was younger, not that young of course, I had one teacher that I hated because she was mean to me.  I never told my parents but I did awful in her class.  They never figured out why I did so bad until years later when I told them some of the stuff that she used to say to me...they were shocked and saddened that I didn't tell them, but I thought I would get in trouble if I did.  He may just not like her or she may not know how to stimulate him enough to keep him seated long enough for her liking.

    Sorry this was long, but I hate when people try to categorize children without realizing that they all learn differently and don't take the time to figure out what they really need!


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  • Thanks girls. I really just needed to vent!  Hubby took me out on a date night last night to that lifted my spirits (and the bloody mary too)!

    I am having the weiredest AF.  I spotted on Thurs and friday.  Friday night I felt like she was really going to come so I used a tampon when I went to bed, when I woke it was saturated, then hardly anything at all today!

    Maybe I will just buy a cheapie test to put my mind at ease.

    I have never had this stuff that has happened this cycle (cramps @ 7dpo, this strange AF) I usually spot ofr 1-2 days then she starts none of this starting then spotting.  I hate this. Come to think of it, I did get a buzz and a rapid heart beat from just 1 bloody mary, now that really isn't me!

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