I had a series of x-rays yesterday that you wouldn't believe if I told you. Let's just say that the first one was at 2:30PM and the last one was at 8:00AM this morning. I had to drink this nasty contrast for it, which I eventually threw up - that was fun.
Anyhow, my doctor wanted the x-rays to see if there was a blockage causing my issues. Turns out the x-rays were clear, so, no blockage. The issue seems to be that my bowels are just really taking their time to wake back up after surgery. I am so relieved to hear that, as I was really afraid that she was going to tell me that I had to have more surgery or have a permanent ostomy.
Unfortunately, I am still in the hospital. She put me back on a regular diet. If I can hold down the food today and tomorrow, she'll let me go home on Saturday. I sent my dad out to the deli near here for some chicken soup and potato pancakes earlier today. So far so good. I'm really hoping it continues to go that way the rest of the night and tomorrow.
Re: I finally have some answers