I have read a few times that it's not appropriate to say or stress the fact that your adoptive child looks just like you. The reasoning that is usually stated is that the child recognizes they are not biological and it can somewhat be hurtful. Do you guys agree with this?
Re: WDYT? re: the comment "my baby looks just like me?"
I don't personally find this bothersome at all. Yet again, I think this is something that depends on the child. It will bother some but it never bothered me in the least, still doesn't. And quite frankly, I do resemble my parents. 2 of my cousins and I look so much alike it is really kind of scary.
That said, no one other than strangers pointed this out. It was never "stressed" in the family or anything.
I am SO craving cake right now. Cute pic!
Thanks so much for posting! It's quite helpful getting input from someone whom experienced it as an adopted child.
I don't think it is something we would stress in our family, but I do get quite a few comments about little man looking like me. The first time I was taken aback. It usually comes when people find out that we adopted him and then they can't believe it because I have pronounced cheeks and big eyes (like him).
I guess the way I look at it is since he is a different race (partly) a lot of people will notice his differences. I don't have a problem when people notice our similarities. It kind of just reinforces the fact that genetics really don't matter.?
If it's family/friends making the comment, I would give them the side eye, since obviously they know your situation. But if it's a stranger out and about, I would just smile and say thank you and move on.
Once your child is older, I'm sure they'll pipe up and answer themselves, but for now, there is no reason you should have to explain your adoption story to everyone who comments.
We've considered this with our kids, as we're probably going to get a lot of "wow, are they twins?" questions if they're similar in size -- and we're just going to either say yes (if it's a stranger) or have a quick answer that needs no additional explanation. People seem to ask the dumbest questions when you're pregnant or have small children.
Ditto, this.
my aunt and uncle always did the "she has her father's eyes" manuver when that happened...
that way they were still 'accepting' w/o getting into the details w/ strangers (especially w/ their foster kids, they were pretty sensitive to the fact that kids have some right to with-hold their story)...and complimenting dad (take your pick on which dad :-P)
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."