
Crying in her sleep?

For the last week or so once or twice a night Keira will cry in her sleep.  It only lasts a minute or 2 and sometimes she talks too but then she is fine.  One night it happened multiple times but usually it is just once or twice.  This started right before we took the binky away (took it away last Thursday).  During the day she is fine and she doesn't seem to do it during naps.  I've asked her if something is wrong or hurts and she says no.

It's not a scared cry, just kind of an I want something cry.

Anyone else experience this? 

Re: Crying in her sleep?

  • I've heard R do this too.  I just thought she was dreaming or something.  She never really wakes up, and doesn't seem to remember or say anything about it in the morning.

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