Hopefully someone can tell me if this actually exists... We have faucets that are VERY easy to turn on and off, too easy. Tonight C almost burned himself, I was even sitting right there(I never ever leave him in the tub just to clarify). He likes to splash the water as it comes out of the faucet so I turn it to luke warm and let him play. Tonight before I could do anything he grabbed it and turned it all the way hot. I grabbed him right away and turned the water off but now he has put 2 and 2 together and keeps trying to do it. I remember looking at a house that had controllable faucets that were child proof, as in the parent could make it so that you couldn't turn it past a certain temperature. Maybe this is a figment of my imagination but I feel like I have seen this once before and thought it was a great feature. I do not want to have any accidents and I'd gladly change out my fixture to avoid it. The kid is like lightning. Does this exist??
Re: Tub Faucet Q
This was going to be my suggestion exactly.