Here is a picture of what that kid did to Ridge's face (there are two more marks on his cheek and chin that you can't see). The more I think about it the madder I'm becoming. The program is getting ready to have its big consignment sale so there is no point in talking with the director this week.
Re: For those of you on Facebook
Oh no! What happened??
Our Blog
Just to elaborate....
The child that did this "D" has anger issues and can not communicate well verbally. At the open house another Mother observed him stealing other children's toys and then hitting the other kids.
Apparently yesterday he wanted the toy Ridge had so grabbed the toy. Ridge didn't let him have it so "D" grabbed Ridge in the face with his finger nails. Ridge hit him back and he let go of Ridge (Ridge is very verbal and explained the "fight" several times, the same way to both me and DH ...he is too young to lie so I know this is true). Then I went to pick Ridge up and was about 12 minutes early. The top half of the door was open and I could see all the kids in circle/story time. The same kid, "D" turned to the side and PUNCHED Ridge in the face. The teacher grabbed "D" and took him to the wall for a time out. Ridge was screaming and I said pretty loudly ..."um, did that little boy just hit Ridge". I was told Ridge touched his arm so the kid punched him in the face. Like that is okay? Ridge touched his arm because he was trying to talk to him. I saw that. It was a gentle, friendly touch.
Then they handed me Ridge and I asked if that was blood on his face. I was told it was paint. He was screaming and the halls were crowded so we went to the car. It took me about 45 minutes to calm him down and if we mention "D"s name he cries again. When we finally got him talking he said "D" has hit him, and other children, before. Another Mom that I'm friends with casually asked her son about "D" and her son said he is mean and hits kids.
I totally get that kids hit ...but as a parent I need to know about this. If Ridge hits or gets hit I need to talk to him about it after school. I think I would not have known about this unless I witnessed it or Ridge told me.
I emailed the teacher and she defended "D" with his non-verbal skills and that kids feel like he is hitting but he is just trying to get their attention. WTF? My child came home BLEEDING. Apparently the teachers and his Mom are working with him. But in the mean time the rest of our children are his punching bags. That is NOT okay.
I just don't know what to do. Ridge has a REALLY hard time transitioning to new people and places. He is comfortable at this school and is getting comfy with his class ...if I pull him out we have to go through the transition again and it is very hard for him.
I'm going to ask next week. I've sent the teachers this picture as well as one from yesterday before it scabbed. I want to see what they do. Maybe "D" needs to leave the program.
Danielle, that is NOT OK at all, I can't believe they didn't even address this with you. I hope you can find somewhere else for him to go. I'd pull him out ASAP.
ETA: I saw your add on and I agree that the director needs to address this with you ASAP regardless of the consignment sale. I also think "D" should pay the consequenses b/c he is acting out towards other kids too.
Besides whether "D" should have to leave or not, I would have a huge problem with the teacher telling you that it's paint on Ridge's face and not writing an incident report. That is just ridiculous. You should be told at all times what happens with your child while he's there. That would make me scared of what else could happen and they would not be honest about it. I hope he can get into another room. I would hate to have to move my child too but I also would not want him with a teacher that I did not trust to tell the truth, or who knows what other kind of dumb judgement she has.
Danielle, I am so sorry for Ridge (and you too!). This kid needs to go. I would stand on a soap box (literally) in the middle of the consignment sale if that is what it took. Escalate this ASAP and make sure they know you are not going to accept pushing this under the rug for any reason.
I hope Ridge is feeling better today. Hugs.
THIS!!!! "D" needs to be removed. Unfortunately, if it seems like they won't listen to you, might be Ridge that finds a new classroom, but my guess is if these idiots aren't responding to a kid like "D" anyhow, it's safer for your baby to be elsewhere and in the care of those who are responsible and responsive adults. What a load of CRAP that teacher has said! So sorry you've had to deal with this nonsense. Hang in there, Ridge!
good thing you have gotten great advice here as I can't even respond to this post seriously one of them B!@#$ might have been cut if I saw this incident. I am so sorry Ridge is going through this and I really hope the situation gets amended asap!
If the child has hearing/behavioral/aggression issues he should NOT be in the same room with kids that are typical. Definitely talk to the director...a consignment sale should not trump the safety and well being of your son and hopefully she addresses this with you tomorrow.
Poor little pumpkin..:( I want to give him a squeeze!