What is your favorite form of exercise?
What motivates you to exercise?
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd?
What's your favorite gym equiptment?
What's your favorite workout shoes?
How often do you exercise?
When do you exercise (early morning, late)?
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise?
Re: Poll: Exercise
What is your favorite form of exercise? Bootcamp or any class at the gym
What motivates you to exercise? The mirror
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? I have a workout playlist on my ipod. I love all kinds of music, all upbeat. Right now, a dance version of "day n nite" by Kid Coolio is pretty sweet
What's your favorite gym equipment? none. I prefer classes but if I have to pick one, the treckclimber makes me sweat more than any other machine.
What's your favorite workout shoes? I got fitted for a pair of Mizuno's and I really love them.
How often do you exercise? Daily and I try to on the weekends too (at least one weekend day).
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? Morning
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? My mornings with my daughter since I got right to work after I workout.
yoga or elliptical or dancing. I used to love Ballet.
nothing. Or maybe a closet full of clothes that don't fit.
the "Go" soundtrack
I don't know
3-4 x a week
I don't know. I want someone to come to my house and drag me to the gym and make me work out. I don't enjoy it and I don't do it on my own very easily. It is much better when I know some one is waiting there for me.
What is your favorite form of exercise? Playing sports
What motivates you to exercise? My skinny jeans in the winter and bikini in the summer
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? Don't really have one
What's your favorite gym equiptment? Don't go to the gym, but like my elliptical at home.
What's your favorite workout shoes? My Nike running shoes
How often do you exercise? 4-5x a week
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? Usually morning after I drop Grant off at school.
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? I don't give anything up, but I reward myself. ie: I bought myself some expensive jeans after finishing 30 Day Shred.
What is your favorite form of exercise? bootcamp is awesome
What motivates you to exercise? my big belly and thunder thighs
oh not to forget to mention my bye bye arms.
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? reggae or calyspo
What's your favorite gym equiptment? treadmill
What's your favorite workout shoes? ?
How often do you exercise? not as often as I want
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? i prefer getting up early but that has been difficult lately.
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? ?
What is your favorite form of exercise? Cardio workouts and elliptical
What motivates you to exercise? tight clothes and the mirror
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? Anything thats fun and will keep me going fast, no sappy love songs on that playlist! ;-)
What's your favorite gym equipment? the elliptical
What's your favorite workout shoes? I have a pair of asics that my physical trainer recommended that I love
How often do you exercise? Ha, lately it's been zilch but I'm starting soon.
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? At night
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? Can't give up sleep since I'm not getting much but DH can have fussy time with LO while I workout.I like to run with my BOB and P.
Fat rolls.
I like my ipod, it varies with my mood the songs I want to hear.
I like elipticals and that weight machine that works your pecs and then your upper back.
Adidas Supernovas
a couple times a week
any time I can get one in
well, since working out means time sacrifice with P I don't usually do it as much as I should these days.
What is your favorite form of exercise? Running, Weight Lifting, Spin
What motivates you to exercise? looking good naked!
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? I love techno/dance music.
What's your favorite gym equiptment? Squat Rack or Bosu ball
What's your favorite workout shoes? Running shoes (asics)
How often do you exercise? Pre-baby 6 days/wk, now 3-4 days/week
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? Late morning when DS wakes up
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? Sleep. I could be napping with DS instead.
What is your favorite form of exercise? Running and Body Pump
What motivates you to exercise? being healthy, losing those pesky last pregnancy lbs, to have more energy
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? I like rap and pop - Black eyed peas, JT, Outkast, Ludacris, Xtina, Britney, Nelly
What's your favorite gym equiptment? Jogging Stroller, barbell w/weights
What's your favorite workout shoes? I have a pair of Brooks running shoes that I was fitted for
How often do you exercise? I'm trying to be consistent with 5 days a week
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? usually in the morning, sometiems I go to the gym in the afternoon
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? I give up sleep and time with DH and CarolineWhat is your favorite form of exercise? I like the elliptical and yoga. And walking outside w/ friends
What motivates you to exercise? Emma used to be my biggest motivator because she loved playing in the kids gym. Now that she's in with the older kids is one of the main reasons I don't go to classes anymore.
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? Specifically I like Muse "Invincible" as a warm up and I also like rap and pop or remixes of different songs like Summer of '69 cardio remix,
What's your favorite gym equiptment? elliptical
What's your favorite workout shoes? I have a pair of Nike's and Addidas but I need some new shoes
How often do you exercise? Here lately I go walking about twice a week but I'm trying to get motivated to do more.
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? whenever, no set time.
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? I can't think of anything I'd give upWhat is your favorite form of exercise? Boot camp all the way!! I started back in Sept and I realized 1) how freaking hard the workouts are, but 2) how much is really makes me feel good!
What motivates you to exercise? Just feeling good overall. Energy, my mood.
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? Anything with a fast beat. Right now the Black Eye Peas and Lady Gaga
What's your favorite gym equiptment? Leg machines!
What's your favorite workout shoes? I've been on a Nike kick for a while. Just bought a new pair and they are fabulous!
How often do you exercise? Since going back to boot camp 5 days a week.
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? Evenings now, unless it's the weekend.
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? Our boot camp meets in the evenings at 6:15, so its a matter of swinging by Piedomont Park on my way home now. It's great too when DH travel's, it's keeps me from shopping or eating out, since I won't get home until almost 8 pm after.
Our Blog
What is your favorite form of exercise? Riding my bike (probably not a surprise)
What motivates you to exercise? Staying healthy and not ruining this TT
What's your favorite work out song/music/cd? I don't ride often with my IPOD, but it's a mix I teach spin class with
What's your favorite gym equiptment? Swiss ball, does that count?
What's your favorite workout shoes? My Sidi cycling shoes--road and mountain
How often do you exercise? Ride: 6 days a week plus 3 days a week of core/ab and upper body strength training
When do you exercise (early morning, late)? After work
What would/do you give up to make sure you exercise? Time in front of the tv
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