We had our first u/s this morning and I'm happy to report that it really looks like I'm KU. The LO measured in at 10.1 mm or 7w1d. We were able to see the heartbeat, it was 134 bmp, and the spine. I'm still stunned and awed. I'm not sure if you recall but the RE gave me a 4%-5% chance of us getting pg on our own. I guess you can say that we've beat the odds so far, I hope we continue to do so. Because I'm high risk, I go back for another u/s on 10/2.
Also I really wanted to say thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for a sticky baby, it means the world to me. I am so lucky to have found all of you absolutely phenomenal ladies. You have all been my rock when I've been at my lowest and I appreciate you sharing in my joy even when many of your journeys have been even more difficult. Ok I'm crying now... but really you all mean the world to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Re: Had U/S this AM
Congratulations! You give me hope!
:::::::::::::::::sticky dust:::::::::::::::::::
WOW!!! What a complete and absolute blessing I am so thrilled for you!!!
You are my new inspiration. RE gave us 10% chance on our own...
Oh my gosh, what fantastic news!
I'm so happy for you and your DH, and I hope the three of you have an easy, happy and healthy 9 months.
I know personally what it's like to be told you've got a 4-5 percent chance. And I can imagine what you must be feeling, having beaten those odds.
Dear Little Mexine, hold on tight and grow, baby, grow!
This is really inspiring that we have ladies here beating the odds. What's even better is that we have strong support and knowledge/experience here.
Congrats on the sticky LO! So, how did you guys approach TTC after you heard that from the RE? Did you just continue on as you had been? Also, do you mind sharing who your RE is? PM me if you want to share; we are in the same neck-of-the-woods.
Awwww...now you're making me cry!
I'm so happy for you. Hopefully this kinda luck will follow you to Vegas!
What a nice post Xine. Congrats again! I am so happy for you.
FWIW, I never agreed with your RE's percentage. With you having two chemicals before, I thought your issue was related to getting the pregnancy to stick, not so much getting pregnant. Just goes to show that I know more than your RE.:)
OMG Xine! I am soooo happy for you! You really do give me hope that this still could happen naturally!
FWIW, I don't know where those low odds come from. I have heard many stories of people just like you who have really low odds and still get pg and have a healthy baby!
Good luck and keep us posted!