Georgia Babies


Sekeia, How was your dr apt?  Are you still doing alright?   We can't wait to hear about that baby boy being born!!! :-)  Hope you are doing well and had a good apt!

Re: ****MrsIsis****

  • Hi Emily. thanks for checking on me. my bp is still the same lost a little bit of weight and no progress in the cervix department. i was a little overwhelmed with everything and just came home instead of going into work. i seriously think I am over all of this emotionally, physically, and mentally just ready for this baby to get here who by the way is doing good.
  • It can defintely be overwhelming.  It sounds like the baby is doing well and was a relatively good visit.  The last few days (weeks) were pretty rough and trying times.  Just know that the baby will be here soon to love and to hold!  Glad you were able to go home and hopefully take it easy and get some rest! 
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