It's my own fault- I should have been more on top of this from the get-go. But now I have a toddler who is sweet in EVERY way except refuses to pick up his toys. I can usually get him to pick something up if I with hold the next activity or tell him we can't leave for the playground until he picks up X. But sometimes he just doesn't care- he throws a tantrum, refuses to pick up his toys and ASKS for a time-out to avoid it. And then we take forever getting out of the house.
Any suggestions? Unfort. we live in an extremely small condo- our living room is also his play room and where all his toys are kept. So he has access to everything at once.....
Re: Suggestions on getting DS to pick up his &$#@ toys?
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
Reminding mine that they lose toys when they leave them laying out is what gets them to clean. I have also reminded them that there are kids who don't have toys who would love to take care of them, and toys I find on the floor can be donated to those children. It works.
I see yours is not quite 2.5, so that may not work. For now, I'd keep reminding him and helping him. Making it a game (I bet I can clean up faster than you!) works for my 2.5 year old, while my 3.5 year old is now aware that his toys might get lost if he doesn't put them back where they belong so cleans up for that. 2.5 year olds are big into competition, so you may get further when you make it fun.
Those are all great suggestions- thank you!
It's just so hard having everything right there- in a matter of minutes he can blow through everything he owns and my living room looks like a bomb went off.
we just do the "clean up" song and I help him cean up his toys so it's not overwhelming to him. When he sees you doing it he will naturally want to mimic you.
We tell them "it's time to pick up the toys you want to keep." Whatever is left out, gets put in the garage and they have to earn them back... one at a time. The first couple of days that we did this, C didn't get it then one day I sat her down and really explained it to her and after that she has been very cooperative about putting the toys away that she wants to keep. It is a rare occaision that we have to put things in the garage now.
Whatever you decide, good luck!