IMO you are giving such a small dose that adding it to the bottle may not mean that LO is really ingesting it - between spit up and the tiny drops left in it - the small amount of the mylicon might not really get in his tummy.
I always give DS a bit when I change his diaper (it is easier when they are on their backs, and squirt it into the cheek so it is less likely to be spit out).
I do believe it works well - DS is a very gassy baby - he still toots but he isn't in pain because of it.
This is what we've started doing. The drops take away all the bubbles from mixing the formula which also makes a big difference. DS loves the way it tastes so if we wanted or needed to give it to him on it's own that wouldn't be a problem.
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Re: can you add mylicon to a 4 oz. bottle?
I either give it to LOs solo or with their LAST 1 oz of formula ....
seems to help them
IMO you are giving such a small dose that adding it to the bottle may not mean that LO is really ingesting it - between spit up and the tiny drops left in it - the small amount of the mylicon might not really get in his tummy.
I always give DS a bit when I change his diaper (it is easier when they are on their backs, and squirt it into the cheek so it is less likely to be spit out).
I do believe it works well - DS is a very gassy baby - he still toots but he isn't in pain because of it.