I am thinking of maybe doing Evie's birthday party at the indoor pool at my gym. But my biggest concern is that everyone would RSVP no beacuse the parents would not want to go to a pool party in February. I am sure the kids would love it, but I need the parents on board too. So I am curious what your thoughts would be if you got a February pool party invite...[Poll]
Re: Birthday Poll
Photo by Everything Nice Photography
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I'm sorry, but anyone that thinks there is a majorly discernible difference in their physique between February and May is deluded...I'd go
See, this is what I want to know. Kbrickel your answer too. Yeah I think it SOUNDS like fun. But really would you go? I only have one, so I would go if invited. I mean we've been to pool parties we've been invited to. But they were in the summer, so I felt more suit-ready. (Although, I am NEVER suit ready.)