I'm sooo pissed off that people can take advantage of the elderly. Utterly disgusting!
My Grandmother and Grandfather had a caretaker for the last two years that came twice a day to help them get dressed for the day and then for bedtime. She also drove them to doctor appointments and took Gma for hair and nail appointments. Everyone really liked her. Then my Grandpa died and stopped doing the finances. My Mom started doing my Gma's finances, paying bills and such. She hadn't gotten a bank statement for three months so they went to the bank yesterday and learned that this woman had been writing herself checks from my Gma's checkbook. It wasn't just a small amount either. In three months, she'd already siphoned almost $10K from her account. My Mom looked through Gma's checkbook and found that checks had been taken with the duplicate and all. The woman had also been getting Gma's mail so she'd been taking the statements.
Oh, I'm just sick to my stomach. Gma won't lose any of her money because it was forgery but I just want to go beat the tar out of this lady. Or, if Audrey had her way, she'd wish for the woman to "scrape her knees." Hahaha...
Re: My Grandma was swindled!
That totally sucks Kim. I'm glad your mom caught it and your gma will get her money back. Will this woman go to jail? I hope she scrapes her knees too. Both of them.
Just think of the people who don't have family checkin in on them. Its sickening.
That's so terrible!! How could someone do that?
Many scraped knees to her!! and no band aides
That is so disgusting! I can't believe that somebody would be that mean and evil!
LOL at Audrey scraping their knee
wow!!! that's scary, but I'm glad that your mom noticed and is now taking care of the situation. Does this woman know that you guys found out what she was doing? I'm glad that your grandma will not loose her money. What is wrong with people!!!
ugh that makes me sick to my stomach.
DH's grandmother had a caretaker that they think was stealing from her too. Swindling the elderly should earn you a tougher sentence.
So sorry to hear that your grandmother had such a horrible experience ... check out this website for information about a case I saw in the AJC and what the family did.
Our Blog
Ditto this!
Kim that is so disgusting! I hope the caretaker goes to jail. Thank goodness your gma had family checking things out. I am glad your gma will get her money back. People really are disgusting.
LOL @ Audrey wishing scraped knees on her.
DD- 9
c/p- April 2016
missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016
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