Georgia Babies

Question about naps- need advice

So, as you all know, I have twins. With two babies, its really hard to let the babies 'do what they want' in terms of feeding and naps. If I let them eat and nap whenever...all I will be doing all day is tending to babies. With them on the same schedule, at least I can manage to get an hour to myself here and there.

So, heres the question. Normal feeding time are every 3 hours- 8am, 11am,2pm, 5pm, 7:30 and then- 8pm bed. They wake up once at night either around 2 or 3.

Right now it is 11, they've been asleep for just over 2 hours- but they are both sound asleep. Do I wake them?? Do I let them sleep? I want them to get in enough feedings during the day to continue sleeping as good as they do at night (they drink 5oz. each feeding). Also, sometimes during their afternoon nap at 12...they are still asleep at 2 when its their next feeding time. Do I let them sleep till they wake up then?? Is it the quantity of naps that matter- or the actual time they are sleeping during each nap?? Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but I am not sure what to do!!

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Re: Question about naps- need advice

  • My pedi always said to wake for feedings during the day.  Said it would help them rest more at night.
  • I never woke my guys up to feed during the day. ?If they went a few minutes over the nap time I just let them sleep and fed when they woke up. ?It never seemed to effect the night time sleep because no matter what I did they always woke up at 2am until they finally started sleeping through the night around 6mths. ?

    Hope that helps:) ?And I hope everything else is going good with you and your little ones!?

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  • I don't know about twins but our pedi told us it was better for him to sleep longer rather than have more shorter naps. I don't wake Owen from naps or in the morning unless I have to, but I onle have one baby to consider. My friend with twins was very big on keeping them on the schedule, once they were finally on one. For her own sanity. I know this was probably no helpm sorry.

    If its just a little bit over their feeding time, I'd let them sleep. An hour over, maybe wake them. Just my opinion though! It sounds like you are doing great though with that schedule and that they are only 3 months old.  Good job!

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  • i dont have twin but I would keep letting them sleep.  feed as soon as they wake then feed again at 2 regardless as to how closee the feedings are.  i bet they wont sleep more than an hour past the 11a feeding
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  • According to the baby whisper book (which is usually right I find) you should wake them.  I never do becuase its so nice to have that extra time to do soemthing, but its what the book says if you want to keep them on a routine.
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  • I always stuck to the schedule for the most part and it worked wonders.  I would let them sleep maybe an extra 30 minutes but then wake them up if needed.
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