Georgia Babies

Peachtree Women's Specialists

I am looking to switch ob/gyn practices and have decided on Peachtree Women's Specialists. Several of my friends see Dr. Dozier and love her, however she is not accepting new patients at this time. If you go to this practice, which other doctor(s) would you recommend?

I would prefer not to see Dr. McSwain at this time. I am planning her daughter's wedding, and I think that would be a little awkward, at least until we are not working together in a professional capacity. 

Re: Peachtree Women's Specialists

  • I go to this practice and LOVE it.  Dr. Dozier delivered my son so she has a special place in my heart but all of the doctors are wonderful.  I love Dr. Knoer and Dr. Ingvolstad. Dr. Knoer is younger and more casual.  Dr. Ingvolstad in older but has such a funny, sarcastic sense of humor if you can get past the formal exterior.  The only doctor I wasn't crazy about was Dr. Shapiro.  You really cannot go wrong with any of them. Good luck!

  • I am a patient at this practice, and actually see Dr. Shapiro. I love her, though I could see how someone might be a bit thrown off at her approach. She's nice but blunt (fits my personality, but not everyone's), and gives tons of info.  Not very touchy-feely, but gets the job done. I'm only 8 weeks along, so I'm just giving from the the gyn point of view, as I just had my first ob appointment today.

    As for the practice overall, very professional, knowledgable, comfortable. The allied health staff are a great bunch of ladies, and they don't seem irriated by your presence, like I've noticed at other practices in the past.

     good luck... a great ob/gyn can be hard to find!

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  • Thank you for the recommendation. I made an appointment with Dr. Schapiro after hearing good things about her from a few people. I can be rather blunt, so she and I will probably get along just fine. Smile
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