
Introduction & Request for Help

The Husband and I have been in the waiting pool for an AA/BR DA for a little over six months.  We've had some potential matches and, unfortunately, an awful-almost match that left everyone involved a little traumatized.  That's the short way of saying we're a little gun shy.

We received word from our agency that they strongly suggest that we work with more agencies as their referrals are declining and, it seems to us, they are phasing out this program.

Though we are a "traditional family" we would prefer to work with agencies that allow all types of families to adopt, as we believe strongly that everyone has the potential to be great parents.

I guess we're just a little lost at this point and I was hoping, should you have a minute, you could reccommend your agency - via PM is fine (assuming I can figure that out).  We're in a no facilitator state as an FYI.

I can't thank you all enough for sharing your stories.  I am a pretty shy and private person and it has been hard to jump in here and participate.  However, being able to lurk and read about your experiences has been very helpful to validate our feelings, as well as remember that there is a most amazing reward at the end of this rollercoaster.  So, thanks for letting me lurk for the past few months, as well as any input you can provide regarding the agency(ies) you have worked with.

Re: Introduction & Request for Help

  • IMO it should never take that long to be matched with or placed with an AA/BR baby. 

    Most agencies that I am aware of have 3 month wait on average for AA/BR and many more have babies/e-moms waiting with no adoptive parents.

    I love our agency but they are exclusive - which means they don't want you to sign with other agencies too only them: American Adoptions. 

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  • imagerbzmag:

    Though we are a "traditional family" we would prefer to work with agencies that allow all types of families to adopt, as we believe strongly that everyone has the potential to be great parents.

    We will be doing FA so i cant offer you any help, but I did want to say how much I love this!  thank you!

  • imagejacksjerseygirl:

    IMO it should never take that long to be matched with or placed with an AA/BR baby. 

    Most agencies that I am aware of have 3 month wait on average for AA/BR and many more have babies/e-moms waiting with no adoptive parents.

    I love our agency but they are exclusive - which means they don't want you to sign with other agencies too only them: American Adoptions. 

    You know what's strange?  My agency said that we would likely have a longer wait for an AA baby.  That is mainly because of our state's demographic, but they said that culture plays a big part of it too.  If we select "any race", we will likely have a CC, Hispanic, or CC/HSP child.  I know that is not the norm at all.  I also know it is not representative of the national trend.  I just thought it was very interesting. 

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  • imagectbride08:

    Though we are a "traditional family" we would prefer to work with agencies that allow all types of families to adopt, as we believe strongly that everyone has the potential to be great parents.

    We will be doing FA so i cant offer you any help, but I did want to say how much I love this!  thank you!

    i agree and will PM you our agency information! 

  • I sent you PM.

    2 years TTC with 5 losses, 1 year recovering, 6 months applying for adoption approval, and almost a year waiting for a placement. Then, a miracle BFP at age 36!

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  • I am probablly the least help to you- (FA and in Barbados) but I wanted to offer you my support and let you know that it's okay to lurk but we don't bite lol- the reward is indeed most amazing, good luck.
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