Georgia Babies

POLITICAL! Ladies, your breastpump is gonna be more expensive!

The new heathcare proposal includes additional taxes on medical device companies.  Guess who is going to pay for it.  Make NO MISTAKE.  This new healthcare proposal is going to make insurance LESS AFFORDABLE and we will be taxed MORE and incur more consumer costs.  They want to include the cost of your insurance on your W-2!!!  Why?  So it can be taxed.  Flexible Spending?  Slashed to $2000/household.  I will be writing my senator about this today.  Encourage your lawmakers to protect your rights and wallets and most importantly your health.

Re: POLITICAL! Ladies, your breastpump is gonna be more expensive!

  • Scare tactics much?
    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Yes, much like the Liberal scare tactics used to manipulate the poor.
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  • You two play nice now :-) 
  • And another thing, maybe AJC is not the most wonderful source of research but its not like I made anything up out of thin air in my post.  If you read the article and don't get "scared" then maybe you just have so much money you don't need to worry how much goes to DC or to pay the additional costs incurred to your healthcare if this thing goes through.
  • If the AJC article makes it sound scare then it really is.  They tend to be very liberally biased. 
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  • imageMrs.PeachyKeen:
    If the AJC article makes it sound scare then it really is.  They tend to be very liberally biased. 


    Even they couldn't gloss over the "scary" parts. 

  • Just go talk to your Doctor on how your care will change if you don't want to listen to the media.

    I had a friend who was all for the healthcare plan and then talked to their dr and now is totally against it.  It is bad news for your health and your children. 

  • imagedbryson:

    Just go talk to your Doctor on how your care will change if you don't want to listen to the media.

    I had a friend who was all for the healthcare plan and then talked to their dr and now is totally against it.  It is bad news for your health and your children. 


    Yes, I do not know of one physician who is for this healthcare plan. I suppose they are out there ... somewhere ... 

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  • imageebearwife:
    Yes, much like the Liberal scare tactics used to manipulate the poor.

    Well then, consider this college-educated, free-thinking bleeding liberal to be WELL manipulated. Gee, their tactics have been working on me for years! I realize that I'm in the minority on this board, and that's fine. I am a firm believer in our President and in his efforts for health care for all. I'm sorry you're so protectionist over this sorry insurance system we've been suffering through for decades.

    And, as someone paying $500 a month for health insurance, I'm damn well looking forward to the government giving Aetna a run for their money. I fully feel that every single citizen in this country should be able to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their "insured" status. And even if that means higher taxes, I'm ALL FOR IT.

    Chill out, relax and enjoy the ride. See you on the other side.

    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imagekep:

    Just go talk to your Doctor on how your care will change if you don't want to listen to the media.

    I had a friend who was all for the healthcare plan and then talked to their dr and now is totally against it.  It is bad news for your health and your children. 


    Yes, I do not know of one physician who is for this healthcare plan. I suppose they are out there ... somewhere ... 

    Actually, I can name at least 8 physicians that I personally know that are in favor of the proposal. I suppose it's all in who you know.

    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • None of my business, but why are you paying $500 a month for health insurance?  Seems pretty high unless you have special coverages?   I too have not spoken with a physician thats in favor or anything thats come out thus far. 
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  • I had to LOL at the "liberal scare tactics to manipulate the poor" after the title of this post exclaiming over the rising costs of breastpumps.  ::rolls eyes::

    I'm a liberal.  Democrat.  But no blind supporter of Obama.   

    The proposal as it is written right now doesn't have a prayer of passing.  SOME kind of healthcare bill will pass, but we have a long way to go.  Personally I would like to see some tort reform - but a gal can dream.

    THIS is the best plan I have heard.  From a doctor.  He makes brilliant sense:



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  • I have a very simple philiosopy on healthcare and any other goods/services for that matter. If you want it, then get it yourself. Nobody should be paying for yours just because you are not working for it.

    What still bugs me is that 85% of the American people have insurance. We are catering for the 15%? Really? I am just dumb founded on where our country is moving forward to. I have lived in a county that has poor health care and trust me America has the best care because of the system. This really makes me mad. Partisan mentality and ego seems to be driving this push rather than the true well being of the citizen.

  • I usually don't get involved in political stuff, but I just have to throw my 2 cents in. I think some people need to come spend a day at work with me to see what kind of people are driving up the cost of healthcare. I am all for helping people who are TRYING to help themselves...that's what Grady's intention is....we offer free medicine and healthcare to citizens of Dekalb and Fulton. It is a somewhat socialized system, but we take care of people. The problem becomes when people decide not to take that medicine or go to those appointments and end up back in the ER or ICU with worse problems that we have tried to prevent. I cannot tell you how often I see the SAME people in my asthma room because they decided they didn't want to sit and wait for their medicine at the pharmacy and that it would be more convenient to just make a visit to the asthma room since we a) can't refuse them and b) won't stop them if they try to walk away before they are discharged.

    I have no problem paying for a "higher privileged" healthcare insurance, as long as I get what I'm paying for. I absolutely don't want to pay MORE for people who aren't trying to help themselves when I can't get what I need and I DO put my money out there....

     Just my 2 cents....

    The Knot won't share my Bump Siggy, so here's the low-down: 4/27/07 - Got engaged! 8/31/08 - Got married (to my best friend)! 12/30/08 - Got Pregnant! 9/3/09 - Welcome to the world, Elias Solomon! 8/16/10 - Got Pregnant, again! 5/14/11 - Welcome to the world, Talia Hadassah! 1/14/12 - Ready or not, here comes #3 (EDD 9/27/12)
  • Totally agree with you Donna!
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  • imageJoelsGirl07:

    I usually don't get involved in political stuff, but I just have to throw my 2 cents in. I think some people need to come spend a day at work with me to see what kind of people are driving up the cost of healthcare. I am all for helping people who are TRYING to help themselves...that's what Grady's intention is....we offer free medicine and healthcare to citizens of Dekalb and Fulton. It is a somewhat socialized system, but we take care of people. The problem becomes when people decide not to take that medicine or go to those appointments and end up back in the ER or ICU with worse problems that we have tried to prevent. I cannot tell you how often I see the SAME people in my asthma room because they decided they didn't want to sit and wait for their medicine at the pharmacy and that it would be more convenient to just make a visit to the asthma room since we a) can't refuse them and b) won't stop them if they try to walk away before they are discharged.

    I have no problem paying for a "higher privileged" healthcare insurance, as long as I get what I'm paying for. I absolutely don't want to pay MORE for people who aren't trying to help themselves when I can't get what I need and I DO put my money out there....

     Just my 2 cents....


    Unfortunately I don't think that healthcare reform is going to change the mentality of these people.   It baffles me that people will take a day off of work to sit in an ER for help(my cousin is an ER nurse) instead of pay the $69 bucks that the local CVS type of Clinic and get the $4 antiboitic that they need.  Of course that isn't the people on asthma medicine and such, but still lots of people us the ER as a primary care facility for a cold.

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  • imageJoelsGirl07:

    I usually don't get involved in political stuff, but I just have to throw my 2 cents in. I think some people need to come spend a day at work with me to see what kind of people are driving up the cost of healthcare. I am all for helping people who are TRYING to help themselves...that's what Grady's intention is....we offer free medicine and healthcare to citizens of Dekalb and Fulton. It is a somewhat socialized system, but we take care of people. The problem becomes when people decide not to take that medicine or go to those appointments and end up back in the ER or ICU with worse problems that we have tried to prevent. I cannot tell you how often I see the SAME people in my asthma room because they decided they didn't want to sit and wait for their medicine at the pharmacy and that it would be more convenient to just make a visit to the asthma room since we a) can't refuse them and b) won't stop them if they try to walk away before they are discharged.

    I have no problem paying for a "higher privileged" healthcare insurance, as long as I get what I'm paying for. I absolutely don't want to pay MORE for people who aren't trying to help themselves when I can't get what I need and I DO put my money out there....

     Just my 2 cents....

    You raise a couple very valid points. Socialized medicine only works when preventive care is made a priority. The current system had to be dragged kicking and screaming to cover preventive care. And Aetna still wouldn't even cover my flu shot! Really?

    And yes, paying $500 a month is my reality. It's my husband's employer sponsored plan and it pays for me and Geneva. The plan is a POS plan and his employer contributes $1K toward our $3000 family deductible. DH's insurance is provided to him at no cost. Beginning next month, I'll be eligible for my employer's plan and it won't be an issue anymore. But it is worrisome to me that my c-section could render me uninsurable with some companies.

    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • My opinion is that what America needs more than healthcare reform is reform of insurance companies.  Unless you work for a good company, there are limited options for affordable and fair coverage.  So you end up paying ridiculous amounts for poor coverage since the insurance companies are not forced to be competivie.  Or, the other option is just to no have insurance at all and then we all end up paying for it.  I don't know how to fix it, but I think this is where the focus should be. 
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  • imagedonna&ed:

    I have a very simple philiosopy on healthcare and any other goods/services for that matter. If you want it, then get it yourself. Nobody should be paying for yours just because you are not working for it.

    totally agree with you here.

    my issue is people who ARE working and have coverage yet still can not afford medical needs (under insured). or such as in my case, i was prescribed zofran for my horrible morning sickness and the insurance company would only cover 15 pills a month mind you the rx indicated they should be taken twice a day. the rationale given we have different standards for different drugs and we only cover 15 pills for 30 days. This COMPLETELY blew me away as I lost around 20lbs and just paid out of pocket for the additional walgreens = almost $500!

  • imageJoelsGirl07:

    I usually don't get involved in political stuff, but I just have to throw my 2 cents in. I think some people need to come spend a day at work with me to see what kind of people are driving up the cost of healthcare. I am all for helping people who are TRYING to help themselves...that's what Grady's intention is....we offer free medicine and healthcare to citizens of Dekalb and Fulton. It is a somewhat socialized system, but we take care of people. The problem becomes when people decide not to take that medicine or go to those appointments and end up back in the ER or ICU with worse problems that we have tried to prevent. I cannot tell you how often I see the SAME people in my asthma room because they decided they didn't want to sit and wait for their medicine at the pharmacy and that it would be more convenient to just make a visit to the asthma room since we a) can't refuse them and b) won't stop them if they try to walk away before they are discharged.

    I have no problem paying for a "higher privileged" healthcare insurance, as long as I get what I'm paying for. I absolutely don't want to pay MORE for people who aren't trying to help themselves when I can't get what I need and I DO put my money out there....

     Just my 2 cents....

    After working for years and years with low income populations and seeing the revolving door at ER's and clinics, I'm just as frustrated.  I have no problem paying for the insurance I have (which is thankfully good and I'm happy to have it), but I'm tired of the majority suffering the consequences for these people that abuse the system.

    And this is coming from someone who was on government health care (I'm a military brat) my entire life. I am a moderate democrat, too, but I'd big a liar if I said that I like what's being proposed. It just sucks both ways.

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  • imagedonna&ed:

    I have a very simple philiosopy on healthcare and any other goods/services for that matter. If you want it, then get it yourself. Nobody should be paying for yours just because you are not working for it.

    What still bugs me is that 85% of the American people have insurance. We are catering for the 15%? Really? I am just dumb founded on where our country is moving forward to. I have lived in a county that has poor health care and trust me America has the best care because of the system. This really makes me mad. Partisan mentality and ego seems to be driving this push rather than the true well being of the citizen.



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  • I very well see the argument that the current healthcare system is not efficient.  HOWEVER, giving the government control over the one aspect kind of left of my life when they cannot even provide appropriate care for veterans and their families is not on my agenda.  Ever.  I am all for healthcare reform that REMOVES government control and puts the power back into the doctors or citizens' hands.  But you will never see that happen with the Democrat Pelosi-esque power mongers in DC.  Just look at the government's record here.

    VA - Its a SHAME how we treat our veterans.  I want to throw up over it.

    SS - Bankrupt.  I LOL when I see my "projected" payout.

    Medicaid - EASILY Abused.

    Tort - What a joke. 

    I could go on and on.  Point being.  I know that liberals have a socialistic cradle to grave big bloated government mentality and instead of Tea Parties on April 15 they celebrate and dance on their way to the mailbox with their tax check, but not everybody feels that way nor do they want to be controlled by people that feel that way.  The government that governs least governs best.  How about give the power to the states over healthcare.  Then at least Americans would have that much freedom to decide whether they like that state's laws or not and can MOVE.  At least in GA since its required that they balance the budget, there wouldn't be any rampant spending of made up money being paid back by my great great great great grandaughter.

    Sorry, but I just don't think liberals make ANY sense.  It seems like they have all been bamboozled into toeing the party line. 

  • imagekep:

    I have a very simple philiosopy on healthcare and any other goods/services for that matter. If you want it, then get it yourself. Nobody should be paying for yours just because you are not working for it.

    What still bugs me is that 85% of the American people have insurance. We are catering for the 15%? Really? I am just dumb founded on where our country is moving forward to. I have lived in a county that has poor health care and trust me America has the best care because of the system. This really makes me mad. Partisan mentality and ego seems to be driving this push rather than the true well being of the citizen.



    I was going to leave this alone but I can't.  I'm sorry, this view is out of touch.  Yes, 85% of americans have *some* kind of insurance.  That doesn't mean the healthcare system isn't broken.  It doesn't mean that a good chunk of those who are insured aren't one serious health issue or accident away from losing everything, even with insurance. 

    It sounds like you aren't a supporter of any kind of government assistance, which is a whole different conversation.  But healthcare reform is not about posturing to take care of a small percent of Americans. 

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  • imageebearwife:

    Sorry, but I just don't think liberals make ANY sense.  It seems like they have all been bamboozled into toeing the party line. 

    Just as I see some rabid conservatives as divorced from reality and towing the paternalistic antiquated party line.

    Glad to know you pretty much think I'm an idiot. But, you know, you're entitled to your opinion. Ain't it great?

    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imagedonna&ed:

    I have a very simple philiosopy on healthcare and any other goods/services for that matter. If you want it, then get it yourself. Nobody should be paying for yours just because you are not working for it.

    What still bugs me is that 85% of the American people have insurance. We are catering for the 15%? Really? I am just dumb founded on where our country is moving forward to. I have lived in a county that has poor health care and trust me America has the best care because of the system. This really makes me mad. Partisan mentality and ego seems to be driving this push rather than the true well being of the citizen.

    Well put Donna! Couldn't have put it better myself.

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  • imagemyrall:

    Sorry, but I just don't think liberals make ANY sense.  It seems like they have all been bamboozled into toeing the party line. 

    Just as I see some rabid conservatives as divorced from reality and towing the paternalistic antiquated party line.

    Glad to know you pretty much think I'm an idiot. But, you know, you're entitled to your opinion. Ain't it great?

    Dude, seriously.  I'm liberal, but that doesn't mean I don't have a brain in my head and have just been bamboozled.  Attacking all liberals is a bit much. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • imageebearwife:
    I know that liberals have a socialistic cradle to grave big bloated government mentality and instead of Tea Parties on April 15 they celebrate and dance on their way to the mailbox with their tax check, but not everybody feels that way nor do they want to be controlled by people that feel that way...

    Sorry, but I just don't think liberals make ANY sense.  It seems like they have all been bamboozled into toeing the party line. 

    Wow.  I'm sorry, but blanket statements like that don't make much sense either. 

    I understand you're passionate about this issue - a lot of people are.  But the fact is that people disagree, and nothing comes to fruition for either "side" by hurling insults and overgeneralizing.

    EDD 1/8/10 - our sweet sunshine DD born 12/30/09
    EDD 2/15/14 - Stillbirth at 21 wks 10/02/13
    EDD 8/12/15 - MMC 1/12/15
    EDD 12/24/15

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  • imagemyrall:

    Sorry, but I just don't think liberals make ANY sense.  It seems like they have all been bamboozled into toeing the party line. 

    Just as I see some rabid conservatives as divorced from reality and towing the paternalistic antiquated party line.

    Glad to know you pretty much think I'm an idiot. But, you know, you're entitled to your opinion. Ain't it great?

    The difference between my "opinion" and yours is that I am not attempting to use the police power of the government to ram my opinion down your throat while reaching into your wallet to pay for it.  Most conservatives want LESS government spending and LESS taxes and want Americans to KEEP their own hard earned money as much as possible.

    No, I don't think you are an idiot, either.  I just don't understand the Democrat mentality and rationalization.  Like how the Dems say "Oh, its OK, the big bad nasty corporations are going to pay for it, not you!!"  When the truth is the additional costs that are incurred by higher taxes, etc are DIRECTLY passed to the consumer making products more expensive and probably people lose their jobs (and insurance) bc employers cannot afford to pay them.  I have not yet met a Democrat that can wrap their head around that concept.  Perhaps those who choose to be Dems are just wired that way.

    And although freedom and liberty may be antiquated to you, I consider these precious and treasured.  Nobody tells me how to think.  I am a logical scientist.  I need to see proof and reason over emotion.  So far the healthcare legislation "options" I have seen center around emotion and made up money from fantasy land.

  • ebear - have you lost it?  You're attacking all liberals rather than engaging in educated healthy debate or exchange.  Ummm...liberals in this thread are expressing their opinions and I don't get where the hell you get we are using police power to ram anything down your throat.  Where do you get off saying anyone feels that freedom and liberty are antiquated?! 

    Just because we don't share your views doesn't mean we aren't being told how to think and are being ruled by emotion and lack logic. 

    Seriously, criticize the healthcare plan, and I, a bigtime liberal and citizen of a SOCIALIST country (UK) might even agree with you on some points.  But keep attacking all liberals as if we are mindless zombies and you completely lose your credibility.

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  • imageJanimal:

    I have a very simple philiosopy on healthcare and any other goods/services for that matter. If you want it, then get it yourself. Nobody should be paying for yours just because you are not working for it.

    What still bugs me is that 85% of the American people have insurance. We are catering for the 15%? Really? I am just dumb founded on where our country is moving forward to. I have lived in a county that has poor health care and trust me America has the best care because of the system. This really makes me mad. Partisan mentality and ego seems to be driving this push rather than the true well being of the citizen.


    I was going to leave this alone but I can't.  I'm sorry, this view is out of touch.  Yes, 85% of americans have *some* kind of insurance.  That doesn't mean the healthcare system isn't broken.  It doesn't mean that a good chunk of those who are insured aren't one serious health issue or accident away from losing everything, even with insurance. 

    It sounds like you aren't a supporter of any kind of government assistance, which is a whole different conversation.  But healthcare reform is not about posturing to take care of a small percent of Americans. 

    I respectfully disagree. Terminologies might be different but in a roundabout way, the healthcare reform focuses on government assistance not "fixin" the gaps of the current system.

    Offer a public health insurance option to provide the uninsured with a choice to be insured. --- that to me is a freebie!


  • imageblf722:
    My opinion is that what America needs more than healthcare reform is reform of insurance companies.  Unless you work for a good company, there are limited options for affordable and fair coverage.  So you end up paying ridiculous amounts for poor coverage since the insurance companies are not forced to be competivie.  Or, the other option is just to no have insurance at all and then we all end up paying for it.  I don't know how to fix it, but I think this is where the focus should be. 



    When I moved to the US 5 years ago the insurance companies wouldn't insure my son as his asthma was "pre-exsiting". Of course ASSES. He wsas born with it. I had to spend thousands of dollars on his treatment and medicines. I fought like hell to get him insured even involving my old insurance company in Bermuda, who tried to help and because of them we became successful.

    The insurance in USA sucks. My insurance, I hear is supposed to be one of the best..but my co-pays have just increased by an additional 10 bucks. And I was still left with bills to pay to the hospital after I had Kya and Amiri.  When I had Jelani (RIP) who was on life support and when I had Nkosi in Bermuda, I paid NOT ONE RED CENT.

    I don't know the answers. I have no say at this point but I do know that something needs to jolt the insurance companies and get them off their high horses.

  • imageJanimal:

    ebear - have you lost it?  You're attacking all liberals rather than engaging in educated healthy debate or exchange.  Ummm...liberals in this thread are expressing their opinions and I don't get where the hell you get we are using police power to ram anything down your throat.  Where do you get off saying anyone feels that freedom and liberty are antiquated?! 

    Just because we don't share your views doesn't mean we aren't being told how to think and are being ruled by emotion and lack logic. 

    Seriously, criticize the healthcare plan, and I, a bigtime liberal and citizen of a SOCIALIST country (UK) might even agree with you on some points.  But keep attacking all liberals as if we are mindless zombies and you completely lose your credibility.

    If I said "ditto," it'd be a grand understatement. I whole-heartedly agree, Janimal.

    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imagedonna&ed:

    I have a very simple philiosopy on healthcare and any other goods/services for that matter. If you want it, then get it yourself. Nobody should be paying for yours just because you are not working for it.

    What still bugs me is that 85% of the American people have insurance. We are catering for the 15%? Really? I am just dumb founded on where our country is moving forward to. I have lived in a county that has poor health care and trust me America has the best care because of the system. This really makes me mad. Partisan mentality and ego seems to be driving this push rather than the true well being of the citizen.


    I was going to leave this alone but I can't.  I'm sorry, this view is out of touch.  Yes, 85% of americans have *some* kind of insurance.  That doesn't mean the healthcare system isn't broken.  It doesn't mean that a good chunk of those who are insured aren't one serious health issue or accident away from losing everything, even with insurance. 

    It sounds like you aren't a supporter of any kind of government assistance, which is a whole different conversation.  But healthcare reform is not about posturing to take care of a small percent of Americans. 

    I respectfully disagree. Terminologies might be different but in a roundabout way, the healthcare reform focuses on government assistance not "fixin" the gaps of the current system.

    Offer a public health insurance option to provide the uninsured with a choice to be insured. --- that to me is a freebie!


    That makes more sense to me.

    BUT - I I still think it's not just about the uninsured.  There also the UNDER-insured.  And that means we're talking about more than just 15% of the population.

    Even WITH insurance a serious illness can bankrupt a family.  And that's a problem. 

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  • imageMrsBrandiGreene:
    None of my business, but why are you paying $500 a month for health insurance?  Seems pretty high unless you have special coverages?   I too have not spoken with a physician thats in favor or anything thats come out thus far. 

    We also pay right at $500/month for family coverage.  It's $236 per pay period for family coverage with my husband's company.  And we have one of the best plans around. 

    For my parents to have insurance since my dad lost his job and my mom's employer (The United Methodist Church) doesn't offer insurance ?  $3,200 a month.  So my parents who have been hard workers their entire lives are now in their early 60's with no health insurance. 

  • imagemyrall:

    [Chill out, relax and enjoy the ride. See you on the other side.

    This exactly. 

  • imageJanimal:

    The proposal as it is written right now doesn't have a prayer of passing.  SOME kind of healthcare bill will pass, but we have a long way to go.  Personally I would like to see some tort reform - but a gal can dream.


    and ditto this

  • imagemingaling1:
    I know that liberals have a socialistic cradle to grave big bloated government mentality and instead of Tea Parties on April 15 they celebrate and dance on their way to the mailbox with their tax check, but not everybody feels that way nor do they want to be controlled by people that feel that way...

    Sorry, but I just don't think liberals make ANY sense.  It seems like they have all been bamboozled into toeing the party line. 

    Wow.  I'm sorry, but blanket statements like that don't make much sense either. 

    I understand you're passionate about this issue - a lot of people are.  But the fact is that people disagree, and nothing comes to fruition for either "side" by hurling insults and overgeneralizing.

    Ha!  Passionate is one word for it.

  • I am a moderate conservative whose father was the head of a large health insurance company for many years, who has lived in the UK and experienced nationalized healthcare, who pays $600 a month for insurance for my family and who still believes reform is needed in the US, but not the way the plan is now.

    However, I do think there are some things that people haven't mentioned - of course insurance companies make money, they are for-profit companies. They have employees to pay, bills to pay, and despite people thinking insurance CEO's are all money-grubbing people, I can tell you that is not true. There is an association of health insurance companies who have been trying for years to get pre-exisiting conditions gone.  They are not out to deny every person their claims. And often they raise their rates because the doctors demand it, not because they randomly decide to do so.

    The 15% of uninsured is, IMO, a skewed number. Many of these people are young people who choose not to pay for insurance because they have a 'it won't happen to me' mentality. That is just pure stupidity.

    I had my son in the UK, and while I didn't pay a cent when we left I would never, ever go through it there again (sorry Janimal!). I hated my care in the UK, and could tell you stories but since they would be anectdotal it isn't worth it. Everyone has antectdotes, good and bad. But suffice it to say that even my British dh, who hates that we pay for insurance, is amazed at how much better and faster the care is here in the US. And in my opinion I get why maternity care is costly - this is a choice you make, to have a baby. Private insurance in the UK doesn't cover maternity care, for the same reason. Do I like that it costs a lot? No, but I understand.

    I think all children should be covered, without question.  I think all seniors should be covered, without question. It's the middle area that I am unsure of.

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  • No apology necessary to me!  I don't want to be subject to the British healthcare system either.

    BUT - I am very glad that my daughter was born a British citizen, because (knock on wood), although we have health insurance, we don't know what the future will bring and having access to care in the UK is IMO a safety net I am glad she has.

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  • imageJanimal:

    No apology necessary to me!  I don't want to be subject to the British healthcare system either.

    BUT - I am very glad that my daughter was born a British citizen, because (knock on wood), although we have health insurance, we don't know what the future will bring and having access to care in the UK is IMO a safety net I am glad she has.

    I have to say I agree with this for my son as well! And despite my misgivings of the NHS it is somewhat of a relief that, God forbid, if something happened to any of us we could move back there. That would definitely be our last resort though!

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