Georgia Babies

Sooo. Big Brother People...(spoiler)

Can you believe that Jordon pulled through like a champ in the most important contests EVA!!?? Than she took home the loot. I was rooting for Jeff the whole way, then Michelle then Kev. I even wanted Russell to have a shot at it.

Anybody but that Natalie.  ugh.


Re: Sooo. Big Brother People...(spoiler)

  • I complete agree.  I was very happy with the results.  I was shocked that Jessie voted for her though.  I figured he'd go with Natalie, but I think in the end he was bitter that Nasty used him to get as far as she did.
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  • Very Very pleased with the results!!  I was proud that Jordan made the smart decision and pick Natalie to take with her...although I hate that Natalie won any money.  I wish Jordan could have won and Kevin could have gotten second place.

    Now I'm waiting to find out what happens with Jeff and Jordan outside of the house...they would be such a cute couple!!

    So sad that BB is over, but my husband is glad to have me back 3 nights a week:)

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  • What was Julie wearing.... it was horrid. :( But Yay Jordan!
    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • umm yeah Julie's outfit = sheet!

    I was very suprised by Jordo so actually pulled it off. My inital thoughts were she should keep say $25 and give the rest to Jeff.

  • imageohmygoodness99:
    What was Julie wearing.... it was horrid. :( But Yay Jordan!

    I hated most of Julie's outfits during the whole season. Good Gosh she needs to fire her stylist.

    And yeah, I think Jordan should give Jeff at least 100k. LOL...Unless she was smarter then we take her for and that was her whole strategy the entire time.

  • bwahaha about Julie's outfit.  It was terrible.  It looked like someone draped her in purple fabric.  I felt like she tried to hide her pregnancy and it just made her look worse. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Julie's outfit = Snuggie
  • imagedoctryan:
    Julie's outfit = Snuggie

     Bwahahaha!!!  Julie's outfits were dreadful.  I was so surprised at the choices of outfits they let her wear on TV! 

    So so so completely happy that Jordo won and that Jeff got the America's favorite player!  He was the best.  Completely shocked by Jesse's vote.  I think Kevin is kicking himself that he voted for Natalie!  I heart BB!  can't wait for the next season!

  • Yeah that outfit looked like thst Snugli thing. I am so happy for Jardan!
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