I'm such a cheap date now, man....?
yum, and yum. ?with london broil yum. ?and cheddar ale soup yum. ?
Annnnd then dd freaked the f out in the bathroom. ?Toilet was automatic, flushed 7 times, and the hand dryers were louder than sh*t. ?She completely broke down and flipped for a good 10-15minutes before she calmed down. ?I'm starting to worory about that kid. ?Total panic. ?so no dessert.
But beer, yessssssss.
Re: Pathetic. 2 mugs of pumpkin ale & I'm all toasty
Nora HATES hand dryers too.
And I am salivating at the mention of pumpkin ale. OMG yummmmmmmm.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
it's local. ?this batch is ?deeeeeeelish. ?You can get it straight, or mix it w/their stout & have a jack-o-lantern. ?So freaking good.
Sam's usually ok w/the dryers, these were insanely noisy though. ?She refused to pee so we had to leave so she could go at home. ?Poor kid.
yeah matt still is leary of public bathrooms due to the hand drier.
but happy fall to you and your pumpkin ale.
Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee makes a KILLER pumpkin ale. I would actually kill someone for one of those right now....
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome