
Pathetic. 2 mugs of pumpkin ale & I'm all toasty

I'm such a cheap date now, man....?

yum, and yum. ?with london broil yum. ?and cheddar ale soup yum. ?

Annnnd then dd freaked the f out in the bathroom. ?Toilet was automatic, flushed 7 times, and the hand dryers were louder than sh*t. ?She completely broke down and flipped for a good 10-15minutes before she calmed down. ?I'm starting to worory about that kid. ?Total panic. ?so no dessert.

But beer, yessssssss.

Re: Pathetic. 2 mugs of pumpkin ale & I'm all toasty

  • Nora HATES hand dryers too.

    And I am salivating at the mention of pumpkin ale. OMG yummmmmmmm. 

    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • it's local. ?this batch is ?deeeeeeelish. ?You can get it straight, or mix it w/their stout & have a jack-o-lantern. ?So freaking good.

    Sam's usually ok w/the dryers, these were insanely noisy though. ?She refused to pee so we had to leave so she could go at home. ?Poor kid.

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  • yeah matt still is leary of public bathrooms due to the hand drier.

    but happy fall to you and your pumpkin ale.

    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • imageKoriBrett:

    it's local.  this batch is  deeeeeeelish.  You can get it straight, or mix it w/their stout & have a jack-o-lantern.  So freaking good.

    Sam's usually ok w/the dryers, these were insanely noisy though.  She refused to pee so we had to leave so she could go at home.  Poor kid.

    Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee makes a KILLER pumpkin ale. I would actually kill someone for one of those right now.... 

    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • ummm cold pack overnight package???? ?lol ?Sorry, it's been 4 years between nursing & pregnant. ?I'm excited.?
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