Georgia Babies

Our Poopapalooza

IHO Lauren and Colin! :)

After bath tonight I had HC in her towel brushing her teeth on our bathroom sink while DH cleaned up dinner.  Then we were going to switch off, where he'd dress her in pjs and read her books and put her to bed and I'd get our dinner going.  So in the interim of all of this, I set her down on the floor behind me at her book basket, while I picked out pjs and whatnot.  Not two minutes go by, then DH comes into HC's room and asks, "What's she got in her hand--wait, what the ***k is that on the floor?!?"  :):):)

Big, smelly pile on the floor.  She's got a nugget in her hand, and lifts up one foot and.....squish.  :)

I had NO clue she had pooped standing RIGHT behind me!  No change in noise, no fussing, nada.  Hilarious!!  

Best part of all is we're in a rental down here--not our carpet.  HA! 

L, I hope you liked this little anecdote--tell Colin he now has a potential partner in crime!

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Re: Our Poopapalooza

  • OMG Amy!!! It's amazing how loud they can be with diapers on and how quiet they can be while doing their business w/o a diaper on or when taking the full diaper off.

    Line one had me laughing, I am glad it was not your carpet. Colin prefers finger painting combined with a squish for good measure...ok that was gross, but we're all mommies here.


    I am also LMAO over the title of this post. Thanks I needed a good laugh tonight.

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  • Funny, because it wasn't us!

    Ahhh, the glamour of parenthood! :)

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  • Ew yuck!  But still pretty funny.

    (I am dreading D figuring out how to get her diaper off.)

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  • Is it bad that I was less grossed out than I was amused and impressed that she'd done it so silently?  :)  Our dog has GI issues from time to time, so we've cleaned up a LOT of poop over the last few years; I guess we're sort of immune to the ick factor.  But vomit...that's a whole other story!

    Jan, siggy pic = PRICELESS!!!!  Miss that beatiful girl and her parents..

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