13 dpo and bfn so, af should get here on Wednesday. I honestly didn't think it would come to this. I'm somewhat discouraged looking into the future. I know I'll be really diappointed *if* I don't get pregnant in October.
I'm really trying to be optomistic, if that counts at all. lol-
Re: onto iui...sigh...
Optomism has to help, right? Good luck!
I remember being exactly the same way you are. ?Totally discouraged and worried about having to go through the IUIs. ?
But, like I PP said, maybe all it will take is IUI #1 and you will be on your way!!!
Good Luck.?
good luck
we had to go to IUI as well. yes it stinks. but my optimistic side says at least you know the sperm have gotten to wear they are supposed to be and they passed the cervix barrier so all they have to do is meet up with the egg and go from there.....