Georgia Babies

Poll - two or more of same sex...

Random thoughts make me curious...

feel free to post other thoughts/comments.

(hope this makes sense.  hahah) 


Re: Poll - two or more of same sex...

  • we have two boys and we want a third but NOT because we want a girl and I am seriously sick of everyone asking me "aw, two boys, you gonna try for a girl?" like "that's too bad you got stuck with two crappy boys" go to hell, my boys are perfect and I love them and I would love to have another!

    sorry for venting it is just seriously irritating to me.

  • aww heather!  i hope you didn't take my question as that reasoning.  i'm just mostly curious people's thoughts on completing their family :)

    I LOVE my son.  love him more than anything.  but i won't lie, i want a daughter SO bad.

    that being said, we are trying to for one more baby.  either way that will make our family complete. :) 

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  • no, sorry, I know its what a lot of people do/want, it just honestly does not matter to me and I hate the thought of anyone even being "disappointed" because they got a boy instead of a girl or vice versa.
  • i understand.  I'm pretty sure we'll have another boy - that's all we have in the family.  and we will love him soo much.  :)  

    i can't imagine not having jax...  what if he had been a girl and I missed out on all he's had to show/teach me! 

  • To be honest, I was disappointed for a minute when we found out Ethan was a boy.  I just really thought I was having a girl and I think because I'm so girly myself I was just drawn to all things girly for babies.  An hour later I was buying cute baby boy clothes at the mall and didn't care.  ha  Now I can not imagine Ethan having been a girl.  I just love him so much.  Although I've always wanted a girl, I couldn't care less now.  Not one bit.  I would like to have 1 or 2 more children and I don't care if I have a family full of boys.  Then I can be the princess.  :)  I almost want boys more now that I've seen how much fun Ethan is.  But I would still love to have a girl too.  I'll be happy either way.  Never thought I'd say that before I had a baby.  Always thought it was so important to me that one of our babies be a girl.  Maybe just because my mom and I are so close too and I want that with a daughter?
    imageLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imageseansgirl2006:
    To be honest, I was disappointed for a minute when we found out Ethan was a boy.  I just really thought I was having a girl and I think because I'm so girly myself I was just drawn to all things girly for babies.  An hour later I was buying cute baby boy clothes at the mall and didn't care.  ha  Now I can not imagine Ethan having been a girl.  I just love him so much.  Although I've always wanted a girl, I couldn't care less now.  Not one bit.  I would like to have 1 or 2 more children and I don't care if I have a family full of boys.  Then I can be the princess.  :)  I almost want boys more now that I've seen how much fun Ethan is.  But I would still love to have a girl too.  I'll be happy either way.  Never thought I'd say that before I had a baby.  Always thought it was so important to me that one of our babies be a girl.  Maybe just because my mom and I are so close too and I want that with a daughter?


    I'm actually a little intimidated to have a girl now.  My boy is so easy!

  • We only have one (girl).  I "think" either way I would like 3 children, but if the next pregnancy and delivery are rough then we will probably stop, maybe adopt.  I personally want another girl.  DH says he doesn't care but I think he wants one boy at least, but I don't think we are in it to "get" a girl or a boy.  Either way will work just great.
  • We have 2 boys and know we want a third. At first I really wanted a girl...but to be honest after 2 boys I'm not sure what I would do with one! Hopefully we will get pg again and I'll be just fine if its another boy!
    Grant Thomas 8.8.06 and Reid Alexander 8.11.08
  • One family I've taught has eight boys and one girl.  She's the youngest.  If they really did just keep going till they got a girl, that's some serious commitment to having a daughter!

    "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I don't have kids yet and I'm not sure how many I want (I think 2, but I also don't think you can really know until you have your first and evaluate from there), but I can't imagine having additional kids just to try for an opposite-sex child. I'll be happy with however many kids I end up deciding is the right number for me, regardless of sex.

    That said, I'd love to have one of each sex, but won't be disappointed in the least if that's not what I end up with.

  • When i found out that my two kids would be 18 months apart, i secretly wished that it would be a boy, just b/c i thought they would be very close and be best pals.

    In my heart however, i KNEW Ava would be a girl (we didn't find out the sex).  Here's the replay literally seconds after she was born.

    Dr:  "OK Kyle, you can call out the sex of the baby.

    Kyle:  "It's a GIRL!!!!"

    Me:  "I KNEW IT!!!!!!"

    Me (in my head):  "Thank god this is over and i don't ever have to do this again and try for the girl."

    B/c I would have seriously considered it.  And in honestly, thank god she was a girl.  b/c having 2 kids 18 months apart is wearing my ass out.  i can't even fathom a third.

  • Interesting question.  I've always imagined myself done at two, but DH really, really wants a boy.  So I guess it depends on this one and the next!

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    EDD 2/15/14 - Stillbirth at 21 wks 10/02/13
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  • imageKerrin:

    When i found out that my two kids would be 18 months apart, i secretly wished that it would be a boy, just b/c i thought they would be very close and be best pals.


    Me (in my head):  "Thank god this is over and i don't ever have to do this again and try for the girl."

    B/c I would have seriously considered it.  And in honestly, thank god she was a girl.  b/c having 2 kids 18 months apart is wearing my ass out.  i can't even fathom a third.

    Kerrin--you took the words right out of my mouth.  I had always wanted 3, but I think we are set on 2.  I think I've decided that later on, if I want a 3rd, it will be a girl that we adopt (so that she and Aerin will be close)....I can NOT imagine having a 3rd anytime soon and my time is running out (I'll be 37 in a few months).  I don't want to rush into anything now because I think I'm getting old.

  • I really wanted a boy this last time but now have 2 girls. We are SOOOO done. Everyone keeps saying "arent u gonna try for a boy?" Nope! I really wanted at least one of each but 2 is enough for me. If I could be guaranteed a boy, and not be preg, and not go thru the newborn stage then yes I would try for a boy but thats not going to happen. lol


    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Ever since Jack turned 6 months old, I'm constantly being asked by my family when we are going to try for a third.  When I tell them that we are 98 percent sure we are done, they seem so shocked!!  They always say "you don't want to try for a girl?"  Even if I had a third, I wouldn't be promised that it would be a girl.  I absolutely love being the mommy of two boys.  When I was pg with Jack, I was really hoping that he would be a boy because I wanted a little brother for Ethan. 

    There's a part of me that's a little sad when I think that I may never have a daughter, but then there's another part of me that's sad to think that I'm probably done having children altogether.  If I had not had such a difficult recovery from my last c-section, I think we'd definitely have another and I'd be thrilled with either sex.

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  • imagehthomas02:

    we have two boys and we want a third but NOT because we want a girl and I am seriously sick of everyone asking me "aw, two boys, you gonna try for a girl?" like "that's too bad you got stuck with two crappy boys" go to hell, my boys are perfect and I love them and I would love to have another!

    sorry for venting it is just seriously irritating to me.

    DITTO!  We want a third, because we WANT THREE KIDS, not because we must have a girl.  Either way, we would be thrilled :)  Just because someone else may want both genders, doesn't mean everyone else has to have it, and I think there are many wonderful things about having the same genders AND having both. 

    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • I think we want three, and to be honest, I want another boy.  They are so much fun and I'm better at doing boy things than playing dolls, dress up and barbies.  I'm just not good at that type of thing.
  • Like a lot of people, I had always wanted one of each.  When I found out B was a boy, I freaked because I had no clue what to do with boys.  Now, I couldn't imagine it any other way.  When we got pregnant with #2, everyone asked me if I was hoping for a girl.  Truthfully, I could have cared less.  Yes, I would have loved a girl because of wanting one of each but I would have loved a little boy because I have so much fun with Benjamin and I see how DH and his brother are and I wanted that for him.  When I found out that I was getting my second little boy, the only reason I freaked was because I had no name for him.  I'm Type A like that!

     At any rate, we're done.  At least we're done with biological children.  I'll be 36 nine days after my due date and DH will be 39 in December.  That coupled with my IF issues and the costs makes us done.   I would have loved a little girl to share my purse fetish with (LOL) but I am so thrilled with my two boys. 

    We're pretty sure our family is complete.  Adoption is a possibility for us though.  I've always thought I'd have to adopt to even have kids so it's been an idea in my head throughout my life. If we do adopt (which really isn't likely), we'll take what we can get but it won't be for a few more years.  Two under two have me panicked enough!

  • I love, love, love my little girl.  But I am terrified of teenage girls.   If my second baby is a girl, I might freak out a little.   Then learn to deal with it. 

    I joked with  my husband that if he wanted to try for a third (in the event we have a second who is a girl) and the third turns out to also be a girl, then I would run away from home.    Because girls scare me.  

    Seriously.   Think back to your relationship with your mom when you were 12-21.   I don't look forward to it.      But I am determined to break the mother/daughter cycle that currently exists in my family and hopefully have a daughter who respects me even when she doesn't like me very much. 

  • We are taking it one at a time. I am having a hard time getting my mind wrapped around a second child right now, though deep down I know I would like Cadence to have a sibling and DH and I have always discussed 2-3 children. I know I will probably get to a place where I am ready..just not yet.

    If we go for #2 and have another girl I think we will try for a boy just because of the history of our families. We are both the oldest of 3 children..DH's family is 2 boys and then a girl; mine is 2 girls and then a boy. I think I would be too tempted to try and repeat history and have a boy..DH says he would want to hold his luck at 2 girls :)

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    missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016

  • Kerrin....I love you :)  That is all.....

    Ok....thats not really all.   After having 4 pregnancies resulting in 2 babies I am truly thrilled at how things worked out with both the timing of our kids as well as their sexes.   As sad as I was with my losses, I just cant imagine the dynamic being any different in our family that it is right now.  I think everyone's situation is perfect for them :)

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