
Carrier Covers

I found 2 Eddie Bauer baby infant vented covers for the twins' Snugrides. I also bought the JJ Cole Urban Bundle Mes. Does anyone have input on how useful/needed these various covers are for the carriers??

Would you suggest keeping both the EB and the JJ Cole brands, or are 2 enough--and which brand is best? Or are there others you'd suggest?


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Re: Carrier Covers

  • I never used a cover; we had January babies, but lived in SC and rarely took them out the first 2 months. When we did, we just used blankets. I'm sure if you're in a more cold or rainy climate, or plan to take them out more, those would come in handy. I've heard good things about the BundleMes.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • It just depends on where you live...

    I had my DS in January while living here in the Colorado Mountains. For him I used a infant carseat cover that I had on my baby registry @ Babies R' Us that covered his whole body except for his face..

    They have this also at Wal Mart for $15 and its called the Kiddopotamus Cozy me up carrier cover... They come in different colors.

    Then when he went into a toddler carrier we just used blankets in the car and bought the Bundle Me blanket zipper for our walks and shopping that we did with the stroller during the colder days..

    With the twins we are trying to move back to the south but if we are out here still for most their baby days then we just get another car seat carrier cover and another bundle me. but if we move to the south we won't need either most likely...

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  • Check your 'bundle me's.'  I heard in my baby care class that having something that goes behind the baby in the carseat is not as safe(similar to having a big, puffy coat) because it cushions the baby and doesn't allow the carseat to absorb any shocks as it was designed to.  I can't remember if any of the ones you are talking about go around back of baby though.
  • I have the Original BundleMes (not the Urban one) for my twins. I used one with my DD and it was great.  We're in Indiana and she never really had a winter coat.  I'd put her in a sweater/heavy shirt and then in the BundleMe, and she was always cozy.  Also, in regards to the pp - the part that is behind the baby is no thicker than what a sweatshirt would be, so in my opinion it is perfectly safe.  You should never put a puffy coat on baby - it is suggested that you use a light coat under the harness, then put blankets over baby+harness.   
  • I used JJ Cole's bundle me...the original...with DD.  Just went and bought another one.  I loved it.  DD was born in August and these guys are due any day now, so I definately got /will get use of the infant one thruought the winter.  There was some controversy about it affecting car seat safety, however, I don't see how.  I also bought the toddler one for the following year's strolls, and as a matter of fact, just used it this past winter for DD's stroller.
  • Thanks for all of your responses! I should have mentioned that I will be in NYC w/ my babies throughout the winter months, so it sounds like these Bundle Mes were a good investment. THX!
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