I've been having what I think are just braxton hicks contractions all weekend, but now my back is hurting me and when my belly gets all kinds of tight--it hurts. not like painful period-like cramps but so hard i can barely walk.
I was on bed rest w/ DD1 at around 33 weeks for pre-term labor (didn't deliver til 39 weeks), but then had a "normal" pregnancy w/ DD2 and went into labor just over 37 weeks.
I hate calling the dr. at night/weekends...
given this info--would you call?
Re: A "would you call the dr.?" post... humor me.
Yes, I would call. This sounds like the pre-term labor I had with dd. I had it a few times and made a few trips to the hospital. They finally put me on bed rest until 35 weeks and of course she never came early. I also never dialated, just kept having the contractions.
I think it doesn't hurt to call. They may tell you it is nothing, but better to have the peace of mind. Good luck and keep us posted.