Georgia Babies

So who's DC starts soccer tomorrow and where?

Harrison is playing at Hobgood Park with the Little Kickers through Cherokee County.  Anyone else?
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Re: So who's DC starts soccer tomorrow and where?

  • Doodle starts at some fields near Crabapple elementary through the Y. 
  • Oh no- is it too late to sign up anywhere?  DH is dying for Gavin to start soccer!  What is the minimum age?  We are technically in Cobb, but right on the Cherokee line if they are not discriminatory against us Cobbys.






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  • We have our 5th game tomorrow! But we're waayyy far from you! Hope Harrison loves it!

     In our area the earliest to start is 3.

    Grant Thomas 8.8.06 and Reid Alexander 8.11.08
  • Tori has her first game tomorrow. Does that count? LOL

    Kiersten, let me know if you decide to sign Elliott up somewhere. I know Nate would love to play.?

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