

Wow.  Awesome response!  Thank you!  I think I might just use that. :)

btw, I love the name Nora. If I could ever pop out a girl (which won't be happening).... so, oh well, it works for you!
My 3 angels....Caleb: 07.26.01 Preston: 05.29.07 Evan: 05.27.08

"The great danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it"

Re: dnagal

  • :)  happy to help! 

    THanks, we're trying for #2 and I'm wracking my brain for a name that matches Nora as: Irish/Classic/Short/low usage, etc.  I suppose I should get KU'd first, but whatev!

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