Georgia Babies

** Daisy22 **

Hey!  Do you go back to work next week?  I thought you were a couple of weeks ahead of me so I'm sure you're heading back soon.  I just wanted to say Good Luck and I hope that the transition is easy for you and Bailey.  Did you do a trial run at daycare?

Enjoy your last few days off!  I'll be heading back on the 28th (well, technically the 24th but I'm working from home that Thursday and Friday to ease back into it!) I'll be thinking about you next week!

Mommy to Abigail Elizabeth (11/4/11) and Brady Jasper (7/2/09)
my blog

Re: ** Daisy22 **

  • Hey! Yep Bailey goes for a trail day (9-12) on Monday and if that goes good he'll start full time (well 9-3) on Tuesday. I'm only working half days until after we get back from Disney. I have mixed emotions right now. I know we've picked the best place for us and Bailey but I've had some guilty feelings this week about going back to work. I love my job and I have a great job but there's a little guilt of I'm a bad mommy for wanting to go back to work. I'm sure I'll be fine after a couple of weeks. :) Good luck on the 24th. I hope it goes smoothly for yall.


    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Oh another thing making Monday a little easier is dh is taking off that morning. We're going to drop Bailey off then go to breakfast. Dh suggested this and of course I took him up on it.
    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • I love the idea of breakfast with DH after dropping him off at daycare!  :)

    I totally understand the mixed emotions about going back to work.  I have them, too.  I just try to remind myself of all of the positives of him being in daycare and also the positives for me being at work.  I'm sure it's going to be hard, but like you said, we'll get into a routine after a couple of weeks and it will all work out.  We'll just have to cherish the time we do have with the little guys that much more!  Good luck!

    Mommy to Abigail Elizabeth (11/4/11) and Brady Jasper (7/2/09)
    my blog
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