So, last night, Rob and I got into it over something completely stupid. We yelled a little, cursed a little, and threw in some friendly gestures for effect.
And then we cracked ourselves up. And it got me thinking.
Whenever we blow off a little steam at each other, we almost always end up laughing. And it's the kind of laughing where we can't look at each other because we start laughing harder. It's a little hard to explain. (Don't get me wrong, there have also been some big, nasty fights that haven't ended so pleasantly .)
I know that some fighting can be constructive in a relationship. It gets things out in the open and keeps them from festering. But laughing? I figure we both just get so uncomfortable with the situation that we start giggling out of sheer nervousness. When things end this way, we usually consider it our resolution and kiss and make up. I realize this sounds completely idiotic.
How do you kiss and make up?
Re: Laughing While Fighting.
I am glad we are not the only ones. I love to argue and B just thinks it's cute when I get all worked up. He starts laughing and it's a chain reaction. I love it's this way between us.
Yayy for Laughing fighting.