We're about to put our house on the market and make an offer on another house. Our house goes on the market on Monday and we'll make an offer (contingent) on a house we'd love to buy the same day. The house we want to buy has been on the market since early March and is a bit over priced for the neighborhood. Our realtor thinks our house will sell fairly easily. Anyway, our realtor spoke to the other agent and she said they'd take a contingent offer on their house (some people won't even consider it); HOWEVER, the agent intends to keep the listing coded Active on the listings so agents can still show it without people knowing there is a contingent offer on the house. Our realtor said that once we have a buyer for our own house, the other agent would change the listing code to Contigent rather than Active.
Would this bother you? This will be my first house buying experience so I'm new to this game.
Re: house buying business - shady to you?
I agree with everyone else, but in this market don't expect that your house will sell easily. We are about to relist our house after trying for 6 months earlier this year. We are making a huge price drop this time, but all of the agents we've met with have said that what they think is a dream easy listing isn't typically turning out to be the case so they aren't making any comments on speed of sale.
I hope that we both sell quickly though!all o