TTC after 35

All this beta and U/S talk....

has me SO incredibly jealous!  It sounds like everyone's OB does blood tests and U/S except for mine.  My first prenatal appt was last week.  DH and I met with the nurse.  She told me that they do not usually order beta testing at all, and they do only one U/S at 20 weeks.  Boo.  Not even one darn official scientific test to even confirm my PG or that my baby is okay?  So, the only way I know I am even PG is that my boobs are sore, I have a little nausea, and I don't have my period (and my HPT had two lines, which I did not show the nurse, by the way).  Is this weird or common? 

Well, I am not particularly happy with those policies, so we asked for an U/S, even if we had to pay out of pocket for it.  The nurse was nice enough about it and could tell that I just needed something to confirm that my baby is okay, so we get an U/S next Tues, and she coded it so that my insurance would pay for it.  I can't wait!   

Re: All this beta and U/S talk....

  • First, you are over 35 right? Technically much to our dismay that is AMA (advanced maternal age) should have some tests...

    Second, I would not stay with the OB very long even if I loved her...not really one that I could trust or think had the expertise that I need..

    "Onward"--CathyMD Waiting since 07/5/2011 for our forever child! Yep we are adopting!
  • Honestly, unless you've had a previous history, what you've described is pretty normal.  My last pg, they didn't do anything (and wouldn't have) either until I had some bleeding.

    I'm glad you are getting the u/s you crave.

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  • What about you electing to have the NT scan. ?If I remember correctly, that is at 11/12 week mark?? ?I would think you would have the RIGHT to have that or refuse it. ?I agree with PP. ??

    I was not "AMA" my last (successful) pregnancy and I had U/S at 6 weeks, B/W for progesterone and then the NT scan at 12 weeks. ?Then another U/S at 16 weeks, then the "big" one at 20. ?

    Good Luck. ?I hope you get some answers from you OB.?

  • With my very first pg I was going along blissfully unaware until I had my m/c.  My OB won't do betas unless there is a history of m/c and the first u/s they offer is for me to get the NT scan done.  The only way I was getting betas was because I go to an RE and had fertility treatments.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC #1 Cycle #18 m/c Jan. 9, 2007, chemical pg May 4, 2007, methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007, IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6 TTC #2 Cycle #5 IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09 Cycle #6 IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09 EDD 5-10-10
  • The nurse told me that it doesn't matter that I am AMA (I am 36) and that their policy is to "not order any unnecessary tests that drive up the cost."  That is why we offered to pay out of pocket, even though I have double coverage under my and DH's policies. 

    She also told me it didn't matter that I have had two procedures -- LEEP and cold knife cone -- for pre-cancerous cervical cells.  Both procedures were done by my former OB who I have seen since college.  The former OB retired last year.  :( So, I have opted to see a new OB in the same practice/office. 

    I don't meet with the new OB until Sept. 29.  Maybe I will get different advice from the OB?  But, heck, I will be 10 weeks along by then..... My only saving grace is that I get an U/S with the sonogram specialist next week.  I just want to make sure my baby is okay.  I am getting an U/S b/c I have had pinching type cramps. 

    Maybe I am just being a loon b/c this is my first PG?  I don't want to be "that PG woman".....   But, I am nervous and feel like I'm in the dark..... 
  • I know the case of Shyntrue & I the bloodwork and ultrasounds are because were on meds that grow our follicles so that we have a better chance to get pregnant. I have no idea what happenes with my OB after I get the 2 Belive me I am sick of the blood work..3 times in a week is over doing it polus the constant everyday shots. I am so over it and it's only the first month.
  • With DD, I played dumb and acted like I could not remember when my LMP was.  That made them want to do an u/s to date the prenancy and make use it was intrauterine.  I got to see DD on u/s at 6 weeks...on my birthday!  I knew full well when we conceived.  I will be doing the same with the next.  Playing dumb is not a bad thing.  You could always tell them you looked at your calendar and are not so sure of your dates now....
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  • I guess I was thinking like Baze, that I should get some extra treatment since I am AMA, but apparently I don't. I will follow the Beatles song and just let it be.... 

    Amy, you are correct -- I don't want to be poked and prodded anymore than I have to be.  I think I was poked and prodded enough by DH during the TTC process.  

    Hav2run -- you are correct as well.  I would gotten an U/S that day if I had played dumb.  Instead, I just did something dumb -- I played smart -- told the nurse I was sure of my LMP.  Argh.  Well, regardless, I still have pinching, stabbing type cramping, so I think the U/S next week will put me at ease. 

    Thanks, everyone!  

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