Cadence turned 1.5 on Friday (wowza!) and had her 18 month checkup.
She checked in at 32 1/4 inches and 25lbs 11oz- about the 70th percentile for height and weight. Her head is still in the 90th percentile.
For those who haven't gotten to this stage yet, one thing I was not expecting at this appointment..we had to do several developmental questionnaires. They asked a lot of questions about her social development and interaction and such. I could not check off that she interacted well with other children because every time we pick her up at daycare she is pushing a chair around the room or busy with toys and not really playing "with" other children. The pedi said this is normal at this age and she should be interacting more with the other kids by age 2.
So anyway, always good to hear our girl is growing well!
Re: 18 month appt stats
What a big girl! Happy year and a half!
These developmental questionnaires are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! I wish I had known the importance of these at DD's 18-month appointment. Seriously, I recommend mommies to listen closely to every question and really think about your answers. I rushed through ours, and I regret it. Had I known that in a matter of days I would be seriously concerned about autism, I would have taken those questions a lot more seriously. But I did not know what the signs were, and I did not answer some of the questions accurately (not on purpose, but because I didn't understand what they were looking for). I hope this makes sense. Bottom line: Those questions are important. Very.
Photo by Everything Nice Photography
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