Hi ladies, sorry I'm going to vent and have a little pity party for myself. ?I had to go in for an emergency u/s this week due to the amount of bleeding and cramping that I was having. I seriously thought my uterus was falling out at one point. Everything looks okay now, and the bleeding has slowed, but it hasn't stopped. I'm now on day 46 of bleeding
Then, after my first good day of starting to feel emotionally, mentally and physically better, I had a disastrous appt at the RE while having a beta check. I got held up going into the phlebotomy room so they made me wait in a chair next to the exam rooms. Of course the room I'm next has someone in for their 6-week u/s. The sound was turned up really loud so when listening to the baby's hb, I could hear it in the hallway. All I could think was, I should be 10 weeks, I should be hearing a heartbeat. I held myself together long enough to give blood, but broke down on the way home. Started to feel better then got a pg?announcement?from a friend, she's pg with number 4.
The good news is, my beta is down to 124 so hopefully my cycles will come back in time to squeeze a Dec IVF in. Also, I leave for Mexico on Tuesday, and I'm looking forward to a peaceful week. DH made me promise him that I wouldn't read FB/emails while on vacation. Thanks for listening, I feel better just with writing it out. ?
Re: Rough Week
I am so sorry you are going through this and it has been so hard. I remember after having my m/c I kept thinking, I should be 10 weeks, 11 weeks....whatever. I was inflicting the pain on myself. It was horrible.
I hope you have a wonderful amazing time in Mexico? Where are you going? My husband and I went to Riviera Maya in February and it was amazing. Just the R & R we needed to escape it all.
Good luck with your levels dropping to 0 and being able to do the next cycle in December!
Oh QE2, I am so sorry to hear what a terrible time you are having. ?I hope your levels drop soon. ?And somehow I just know that your time is coming. I know it is hard, but try to stay positive. ?
?Enjoy your trip to Mexico and definitely stay off FB and the computer, just try to take some time for yourself!
QE you have been through so much. I totally understand how hearing that heartbeat would put you over the edge.
Fingers crossed that you get in your Dec IVF cycle.
I'm so sorry that you've had a rough week. I hope you have a geat time in Mexico. Where are you staying?
For what it's worth, I think the hb they have at the 6 week appt. isn't really the hb, it's the machine mimicing what the sound would be based on the rate on the u/s. That still sucks though that they made you sit there and wait.
Vent away. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that. PP have said it, and I'll say it again, my heart breaks for you having to deal with that. I hope you have a great time in Mexico; it will do you good to just escape and be in another place that is a different gear from the one you normally operate in.
Thinking of you!
Hugs to you! Sorry you had to deal with that...sometimes doctor's offices are not always very sympathetic.
Have a wonderful time in Mexico and get some much needed R&R!
oh i am so sorry. glad to hear your levels are going down. have a great trip!
I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that! You know we're always here to listen to some venting. We just have to let it all out somewhere. And thank goodness the ladies here really understand! I really hope that your beta continues to drop at a quick pace and that your December brings you the best gift ever! Try to enjoy your time in sunny Mexico with your husband!
I'm sorry you have to go through this. Sounds like Mexico is really what you need and I'd stay off FB/boards too!?
You'll get your beta down to zero soon. It's amazing how long it takes to drop. Crossing my fingers that you can get in for that Dec cycle!
Have a wonderful time in Mexico!!!! ?
If anyone deserves a vacation it is you my dear:)