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:::butting in::::
Ally, how are YOU doing? 6 days past your due date and still hanging in there I see! Lots of labor dust to you!
:::butting out:::
p.s. Julia, I hope Tori is feeling better!!
Aww, I sure love you.
We had a rough night, but today she is perking up a little more. No fever as of lunchtime, so hopefully that part of it has passed.
I am pestering Chad for updates so I don't drive you bananas.
Have a GREAT weekend and lots of ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::LABOR DUST::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: to you!
Aww you're so sweet, Sekeia. Yes, she does have it, but she is doing really well today. I'm hoping we've seen the worst of it.
I got your email this morning. My mom and abuela are here and I wish you could come over..but I don't want to risk getting you sick. ?
Re: Speaking of Swine flu- Queenie
:::butting in::::
Ally, how are YOU doing? 6 days past your due date and still hanging in there I see! Lots of labor dust to you!
:::butting out:::
p.s. Julia, I hope Tori is feeling better!!
Aww, I sure love you.
We had a rough night, but today she is perking up a little more. No fever as of lunchtime, so hopefully that part of it has passed.
I am pestering Chad for updates so I don't drive you bananas.
Have a GREAT weekend and lots of ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::LABOR DUST::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: to you!
Aww you're so sweet, Sekeia. Yes, she does have it, but she is doing really well today. I'm hoping we've seen the worst of it.
I got your email this morning. My mom and abuela are here and I wish you could come over..but I don't want to risk getting you sick.