2nd Trimester

Inappropriate male responses

Ok, someone should tell all men everywhere that an inappropriate response to finding out a woman is pregnant is saying something like, "ohh so how are you going to fit in your tight jeans?"

EW. The cleaning guy said that to me (at our office), as did another colleague. I wear jeans on casual Fridays, and they're not super-tight... just regular jeans for my size...

Re: Inappropriate male responses

  • I was at a bar/resturant with a girl firend and a guy sitting next to us asked why I wasn't drinking. I told him I was 4 months pregnant. He then told me all about how his ex girlfriend had a miscarriage at 5 months and how horrible the whole ordeal was. My friend and I just sat there with our mouths open. I finally said, "Rule number one when speaking to a pregnant woman is not to tell her about horrible miscarriages!" What an a$$! Guys can be so stupid!
  • We have a guy in our office who's a little on the older side, always trying to be funny but just comes off awkward.  Kinda like Michael Scott from the Office, but not nearly as hilarious.

    Anyway, a coworker was pregnant last year, and when he found out he approached her and said, "So my suspicions were correct. You've been impregnated!"

    The sheer creepiness of the way he said impregnated might not translate over the internet... But it's something we all still cringe about.

    Baby Boy #1 born 1/15/2010

    Babies #2 & #3 arriving Spring 2014 (EDD June 18)

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