...to gain the most weight? I know that all women are different, but I was just curious if anyone knew during which tri you typically gain the most weight. At my last dr's appt they said I've gained a total of 14 lbs over the last 6 months (I was underweight to begin with) so I'm trying to figure out if I'll continue at this rate or if it usually slows down some in the 3rd tri.
Re: In which trimester are you "supposed".....
For some people it's second and for some people it's third. Many people have the largest appetite in 2nd tri and gain the most "maternal stores." (LOL - I love it that my books refer to FAT that way.) It's true that the baby gains the most weight in 3rd tri, but a lot people eat less in 3rd tri because they just too cramped for space to eat as much as they did before.
Obviously it's different for everyone, but it's not at all uncommon to slow down in 3rd tri - particularly at the very end.
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
I gained most of my weight with DD in the second trimester.
My dr. said he wants me to gain a pound a week beginning at week 20. I was overweight to begin with. He and I have different ideas.
I think most women gain the most weight in the second half of 2nd tri and 1st half of 3rd tri.