First of all, as you all know- I'm pregnant therefore my irritation level is already set on high..
Last night we decided to grab some pizza to go.. which sounded good to me, i was craving something non-healthy- plus we had a coupon.
So we pulled up and my DH went inside to order while me and 2yo DS wait in the car, he comes back and said that it'll be about a half hour, so we go next door to the toys r us to browse so that DS doesn't have to be held up in the car for a half hour (he hates his carseat!)
So about 40 minutes pass and we go back to the pizza parlor and DH goes in to pick up the pizza.. and i see him waiting, and waiting, and waiting.. all while DS is crying for da-da and pizza lol.. finally (20 minutes later) I honk the horn at DH to come outside and tell me whats up.
He just says that it's not ready and I freak out because it's been an hour since our order (this place is dead no one else in the parking lot or store).. and I tell him to go back in there and find out what's going on...
he comes back out and tells me--- THE DELIVERY GUY TOOK OUR PIZZA BY MISTAKE!!! Oh man I was livid.. I'm pregnant, tired, hungry, worked all day long... and I have a 2yo in the backseat crying so hard he's almost threw up a couple times (he was overreating and tired and hungry..)
Well anyways.. they made the delivery guy turn around and bring back our pizza, I was pissed.. our pizza had been driving around in this guys car for over a half hour.. instead of making us new ones they made us wait for him to get back...
needless to say, an HOUR AND A HALF later they threw in some breadsticks and soda.. and more coupons..
and when we got home i didn't even feel like eating pizza.. and neither did my son, he had breadsticks and when we asked him if he wanted pizza he was like "no!" when before hand he was super excited about getting pizza- i don't blame him!
and my blood is still boiling..
don't you just hate it when things like that ruin your night?
Re: Still irritated.. ughh (long vent about nothing)
I worked in a pizza place for 10 years and unfortunatly that kind of stuff happens all to often. They should have just made you another pizza and I would have insisted upon it because the temp of the pizza does not stay as high in the delivery bag.
If that every happens again, bring DS into the store and get him riled up so he runs around and screams and stuff. They will get you a new pizza just to get him out of there. lol
I agree! Accidents happen, but the minute your DH walked in and they realized the mistake, they should have made another pizza, and it should have been free!
I agree with all you guys! I had a hard time keeping myself under control, my DH is one of those guys that will just go with the flow, and I was pissed that they first of all didnt tell us right away and then we got our old luke warm pizza... i was pissed.. but DH didn't want to make a scene.. and i listened like a good girl, except when i kept honkin the horn right outside their window to get his attention and to tell him that we need free soda, breadsticks etc..
and i actually got my mr pibb while we were waiting and then i made them give me another when we left..
lol this sounds really bad all the soda and pizza... but really it was a splurge.. i missed my dr pepper/mr pibb!
but... i should just let it go!
and eat left overs when i get home!