Okay, ladies I know there has been a few emails about insurance coverage, etc..
But what I want to know is did any of you call you insurance and ask questions about coverage? I plan on doing this and just wanted to know what questions you guys asked. Im trying to get all my thoughts organized before i make the phone call so I'm not scatter brained or sound dumb. Any input would be appreciated!!!
Re: Yes another Insurance post
I just talked to mine - I've called several times. I say make a list of whatever questions you have and ask them - my latest was if breast pumps are covered (they are!).
Call them asap so there are no nasty surprises. Know exactly what will be covered not just for delivery, but also for baby one s/he is here. My DH's former employer had lame insurance and DD's VACCINATIONS weren't even covered. I could not believe it. Fortunately, I figured out to go to a low-cost vaccination clinic through the dept. of health, but only after realizing that only a few of her dr's appts were covered.The clinic charged $10 per shot, as opposed to the $150-$400 per shot at the pedi's office. Our pedi was shocked herself at how much they were (this is out of the control of hte dr's).
I was able to plead financial hardship with the pedi's office- they were very helpful- but we still owed about $1,100 out of pocket. I literally just paid the final bill yesterday and DD is now 2 1/2. I am thankful every day for the insurance we have now- it covers everything.
Along with what the other ladies mentioned, make sure you find out if you have a deductible or co-insurance and how much it is (if you don't already know). You may be covered 100% (or however much your insurance covers for prenatal care) for the doctors fees but the hospital fees may go towards a deductible or co-insurance (ex. you pay 20% and insurance pays 80%).
You will also want to make sure that the hospital is covered by your insurance plan so you aren't surprised later to find out they are not and could have delivered at another in-network hospital.
Ask if lab work and/or ultrasounds are covered and how many ultrasounds you are allowed. Many plans (mine being one of them) say you are allowed one ultrasound, unless medically necessary. I wasn't sure if they would cover each u/s as I had them (I had 3) but they were all covered because the doctor recommended them and I didn't just say "I want another ultrasound".
Hope this info. helps!