...We're having another BOY! This is boy #3!
The first thing out of my mouth was "Crap!" LOL!! Then I cried. Mainly it's a mixture of hormones and happiness...but now I am really out numbered! LOL!!(I'll be honest, I was hoping for a girl. And no, we will NOT be trying for a girl. This is it. DH is getting a vasectomy.)
Baby boy is healthy and growing just perfect. He's a big baby too...but that's no big shocker. (My DH is 6'6", our other two boys are big for their ages.) We got some excellant pictures too...he was totally showing off his goods!!
One thing of concern though...my placenta. It's laying really low, almost on my cervix. I have to go back for another sonogram in a month to see where it's laying. We're hoping that it grows up and out of the way. So lots and lots of prayers please!!
I go in for my full 19 week appointment next Wednesday. I'll get my Dr's take on my sonogram results then along with all the routine appointment stuff. I'll keep everyone updated!
Re: And the verdict is...
My MIL has 3 boys ages 26-29 now, but she said that she had SO much fun raising 3 boys - the only downside: she said they almost ate her out of house and home (like, 6 gallons of milk a week).
GL with the placenta issue! H&H!
OH WOW - you can see just how tall that baby is in your u/s pic! Look at those long legs!
Congrats on a healthy baby! Crossing my fingers that the placenta issue corrects itself soon.