I had my big U/s yesterday, and the tech had a hard time visualizing some of the structures (for which we have to do a re-do at 4 week appointment). She pressed pretty hard for a while as she tried to get the views she was looking for.
Since the U/S, I have had shooting pain in my right side, just above the hip, in the area she was pressing. I thought it was gone when I got up this morning, but it has slowly reared it's ugly head. I didn't have pain with the other two U/S, but the baby was clearly not hiding then. It is making movement/walking difficult.
Anyone else experience this? How long did it last?
Re: Shooting pain after Big U/S?
sounds like the pain I kept getting when my belly hit a growth spurt. It may just coincidence that it was after your u/s. Try drinking some water & prop your feet up if possible. I had that pain at 20 weeks as well, and like 3 days later my belly had popped. Call your dr. if you are concerned though.