Can I blame the hormones?
DH and I sat down to breakfast (cereal). He loves LIFE cereal - it's the only kind he will eat so I usually buy him a box every time I go grocery shopping and I buy several other boxes of the kinds I like.
Well this morning, LIFE sounded pretty darn good to me as well.
I poured myself a bowl and DH freaked out that I was eating his cereal, and that I should eat my own cereal (he had 3/4 a box left). I got really pissed and flung the bowl of cereal, milk and all at his face. Real mature right?
He had to take another shower because of all the milk in his hair...
We still haven't spoken since and I feel horribly guilty now
Re: Bad Behavior this morning...
yikes...I think even though he freaked out over a stupid little thing, you should prolly appologize about throwing a bowl of cereal at him...Not a good way to start a day and definately is worth feeling some guilt over IMO...
Maybe go buy him a box of Life and appologize for throwing it at him but make sure he knows that you can have some cereal too...its not like it was the last of the box...
Wait, I just remembered a story that my mom told about when she was pregnant with me and my dad wanted hamburgers for supper and it was too cold out to grill and she felt like crap and didn't want to fry them but he insisted on having hamburgers. She fried them up and he made some comment about them being really greasy and she picked one up and threw it at him. It hit him square in the chest and got grease all over his white t-shirt.
Maybe it is a pregnancy thing.
you threw it at him?! oh man.
I mean I probably would have asked him if he was serious.
But I definitely would not have thrown it at him.
I'm kind of speechless.
I hope it was a plastic bowl!
Should he have freaked out? Of course not. Should you apologize. Yeah, I believe so.
This. Its pretty extreme behaviour, but he was also being a total jerk. I also think buying him another box is a good idea, but make sure he knows you can eat it too......I mean really, his cearal? is he 5?
Actually I can honestly say that if this behavior is completely out of your style, if you've NEVER done anything like that before, it probably was hormone related, but blaming it on hormones to justify it would be wrong. It seems like you realize you overracted. I think it was selfish of your husband to react like that to you. Marriage is about sharing.
I had a similar incident a few weeks ago. I became enraged with anger out of nowhere when my husband said something to me. Normally I'd have made a comment back but in this case I got up and slammed the door relaly hard.
I think when we do things completely out of our character it is hormonally charged, however it's no excuse for behaving badly and apologies are necessary. I'm sure your hubby will be over it soon. Just apologize and let him know WHY you got upset. Just be open and communicate.
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Definitely some ass-kissing in order, hehe.
Did you throw the actual bowl or the bowl-ful of cereal w/o the actual bowl?? I think my line of blaming hormones falls in between those two....I never can agree on throwing hard objects...Pouring drinks on someones head I've seen done and is pretty harmless as far as physically speaking. Its a point prover (not that I agree with it either) but in the heated moment it has happened...see any tv show nowadays and its in there somewhere....
This. Exactly.
I think BOTH of you acted deplorably.
I'd feel guilty, too - but I've done something similar - NOT pregnant! I was trying to ice a cake for a class I was taking and it was just crumbling into pieces and I was sooooo frustrated. DH was there, made a comment (I don't even remember what it was), but I started flinging chocolate buttercream frosting at him off the spatula lol It got all over him, my wall & floor, but I didn't care at the time. Ended up having to redo that cake lol.
Apologize and be really nice to him!
Can you blame the hormones? No, you just make the rest of us look bad. This goes back to a post the other day about not using pregnancy as a free pass to be a b!tch. This is ridiculous behavior for any adult, pregnant or not.
Yes, you need to apologize profusely. Then I hope you guys can laugh about this later.
This. Honestly. Throwing a bowl full of milk and cereal is not appropriate behavior for a child - and you are about to raise one. I would highly suggest growing up and not making excuses for inexcusable behavior. (Particularly excuses that make all pregnant women seem psychotic.)
You overreacted- big time.
you should wait for DH when he gets home with a bowl of your favorite cereal and milk and let him pay you back and both should grow up from that point. seriously.
Wow. It's not ok to use your pregnancy as an excuse to act like a crazy person. You need to apologize yes, and you also need to not lose control of yourself like that again. Goodness.
You can't blame that on the hormones. Your reaction was way out of line. I wouldn't accept that behaviour from a toddler.
(Granted, he also shouldn't have cared that you ate a bowl of cereal. It isn't like it was the last box in the US).
This. you need to apologize to your DH.
No - being pregnant does not give you the excuse to be childish, out-of-control and violent.
I totally agree. This isn't hormones, this is you.