so my bump is round as you can see but its still squsihy. When i sit its starting to look harder and more round rather than just fat bulge...Who's bump is squish who's is hard...When will mine get hard? I think its because 5 years ago i lost like 82 lbs and there is still alot of loose skin so there was quite a bit of room for baby to go eventhough i was normal weight to being with.....sooo again who is squish and who is hard?
Re: squishy bumpies
My sweet little niece commented to me around my 23 week mark (besides calling me chunky) that my stomach was soft and squishy and that aren't tummy's with baby's in them supposed to be hard.
Ah, it made me feel wonderful.
Honestly though, I think it has been in the last week or two where my belly has really rounded out and hardened. Wish my niece could see me now! LOL
I was squishy to begin with. My youngest came up to me yesterday and said "mom, your belly is huge but guess what-it doesnt jiggle when you walk anymore!"
Gee. Thanks!
Mine started getting hard around 22 weeks...its not 100% firm yet-around my belly button is still squishy but its getting there.