2nd Trimester

Back soreness

Has anyone tried those belly support bands. I am 21 weeks with twins and my back is killing me. I heard they help the back support the belly. Any experience out there?

Re: Back soreness

  • I actually was just complaining to the librarian at our school that my back is hurting me today. She suggested I invest in one of the back supports. She said it really helped her and it helped another teacher in our school as well. I thought it was interesting since my belly isn't that big yet, but she told me it was more for back support and alignment than actual belly support. I figure I'll go and look this afternoon.
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  • I need something, my back is freaking killing me. I bought the boppy several weeks ago, hoping that would help but it hasn't done anything. I'm also considering yoga and acupuncture. My belly is that big yet either, so I can't imagine how much worse the back pain will get.
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