Georgia Babies

enzyme cleaner?

I think I remember you all talking recently about using an enzyme cleaner to clean floors/carpets for pee....can't remember if this was a product you purchased or one of those crazy homemade concotions....if it was store bought, pls rec brand and where you can purchase!  TIA!

Re: enzyme cleaner?

  • They sell several kinds at Petsmart.  I know my mom swears by some expensive kind she found on the internet... but don't remember the name.  I'll try to remember to ask her about it.






  • bac-out?

    you can get it in the natural section at my kroger

    Jen & T.J. 6.17.06 BabyBlog * my chart *
    Joseph Henry was born at home on March 9, 2009
    Nora Mae was born at home on October 30, 2011
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  • I always recommend Nature's Miracle for dog/cat pee. It works really well to get all of the smell out. You can buy it at Petsmart, Petco, etc.
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