Georgia Babies

AW: My Water Broke!

The clock is now ticking! I can't believe our little Tobe will be here in less than 24 hours! My water broke @ about 9:40 tonight. I called the midwife and she said she would check my strep status and call me back if it was + (we were supposed to find out at our 37 wk appt today!). She didn't call back, so that's good! Now we're just trying to rest...if I don't go into active labor on my own (I'm only crampy now) then I have to go in to NS @ 7 AM! See you all on the other side!!!
The Knot won't share my Bump Siggy, so here's the low-down: 4/27/07 - Got engaged! 8/31/08 - Got married (to my best friend)! 12/30/08 - Got Pregnant! 9/3/09 - Welcome to the world, Elias Solomon! 8/16/10 - Got Pregnant, again! 5/14/11 - Welcome to the world, Talia Hadassah! 1/14/12 - Ready or not, here comes #3 (EDD 9/27/12)

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