My Grandad passed away today. He's been sick for a very long time... he had a series of strokes 10 years ago, multiple falls/fractures including a broken hip that made him totally bedridden about a year or so ago. My grandmother has taken care of him at home all this time... but it has been so hard to watch him suffer for so long. Today he is finally at peace. But we miss him so much. I am blessed to be able have had all of my grandparents living for so long. This is the first death in my immediate family since my Dad passed away 24 years ago. Such a blessing! Gavin and I go over there once a week for lunch and today when we went into his room, Gavin looked for him and said "bye bye" and blew a kiss b/c that's what he always does before we leave... totally made me tear up. Please keep my grandmother in your thoughts and prayers. She is a strong lady and the epitome of true love.
Re: Sad day :-(
Photo by Everything Nice Photography
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Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008
DD- 9
c/p- April 2016
missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016
I'm sorry
It sounds like you have great memories of him that you'll always treasure. How sweet of Gavin to say bye.
I'll keep your Grandmother and family in my prayers.