Today as I was typing an email my vision suddenly blurred so bad I almost couldn't read the screen. I could focus on a point in the center and see that fine. But anything around it was blurry, like I was under water. This lasted for about 15-20 minutes and was followed by a headache that is still kicking around even after a few hours and 2 Tylenol.
Called the doctor. The first thing he asked after I said my vision was blurred was if I had a headache. He said the blurriness can sometimes be a precursor to a headache. And when it happens to lay down, drink fluids, and take Tylenol if needed. He said if it keeps happening or if the headache gets worse to call him back.
I know this is a fairly common symptom in pregnancy.. just wondering if anyone has any personal experience with it.
Baby Boy #1 born 1/15/2010
Babies #2 & #3 arriving Spring 2014 (EDD June 18)
Re: Blurred vision
That has happened to me 3 times - twice before I got the BFP and once since...
My serious cure-all for this is darkness and WATER, WATER, more WATER!! My doctor said dehydration causes this more often than not. Up your water intake for the rest of the day! GL!