2nd Trimester

what to ask today

Today is my second OB appointment, and I feel like I don't have enough questions.  Maybe it's because I'm on here so much, but the only thing I have on my list to ask about is where I should get my flu/swine flu vaccines....

am i missing something big that i should be asking about at this point?

Re: what to ask today

  • you don't need to make up questions just to have questions.  Most questions/concerns come up organically in conversation with your OB/MW.

    Have a good appt. Smile

  • my second app consisted of waiting in the waiting room for about an hour. Peeing in a cup. Weight. Blood Pressure. Nurse let us hear heart beat for about 4 seconds... Dr came in, said do you have any questions? I shook my head no...and she left.  So nope, if you don't have any questions.. You don't have any questions.  It's not like you can't call after you leave.
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  • You do not have to ask questions at every appointment.  If no have no concerns yourself lucky.

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