Georgia Babies

Boo at the Zoo 2009

So I just seen on the Zoo Atlanta website that the Boo at the Zoo event is only 3 days this year!!!! WHY did they change it? I thought it was every weekend in October last year?! ANYWAY we'll still be going...but the dates are October 24, 25, and 31! Big Smile

Here's the link: Boo at the Zoo 2009

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Re: Boo at the Zoo 2009


    So what day are we going to try and do the GTG??? I vote for either 24 or 25...probably 24th would be best, but I could still make the 25th (although a little later in the day). 

  • I'm confused...never been Boo at the Zoo at night or during the day?  I saw it say activities were from 10am - 3pm and then it listed extended hours for from 6pm - 10am???
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  • WTF?  why would they do that???????????  bastards!
  • It's from 10am-3pm!

    The nightcrawlers are from 6pm-10am, and that's an optional event, and only for kids age 6 and up.

     I'm probably going to go the 24th or 25th...I know it's going to be CRAZY crowded being that it's only 3 days!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I saw that and was very bummed!!! We're planning on going the 25th.
    Grant Thomas 8.8.06 and Reid Alexander 8.11.08
  • Please let me know if there is going to be a GTG for this!!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Booooo! That stinks! It will be CRAZY crowded if those are the only times they are doing it. Insert frownie face here. Last year, the event was in the evening.
    Photo by Everything Nice Photography
    My blog
  • I just posted a message on their Facebook page.
    Photo by Everything Nice Photography
    My blog
  • Well, a big BOO to that one! :-(  Since I'm due on the 22nd, I guess we're not going to make it this year.  I've been looking forward to Boo at the Zoo since last year when I neglected to take him.  I'm so sad!
  • Zoo Atlanta responded:

    Hi, Karen - I understand your concern. We have changed Boo at the Zoo to take palce during the day instead of the evening time. Most people have expressed wanting to be able to see animals while visiting the Zoo for Boo at the Zoo. As more details come, I will keep you informed. Thank you for your continued interest in Zoo Atlanta!!

    Photo by Everything Nice Photography
    My blog
  • imagekep:

    Zoo Atlanta responded:

    Hi, Karen - I understand your concern. We have changed Boo at the Zoo to take palce during the day instead of the evening time. Most people have expressed wanting to be able to see animals while visiting the Zoo for Boo at the Zoo. As more details come, I will keep you informed. Thank you for your continued interest in Zoo Atlanta!!

    So now you're going to be able to see the animals? It didn't bother me ONE bit that we didn't see the animals...I liked the entire set-up and path they made for Boo at the Zoo...and I liked it in the evenings, it's going to be weird going during the morning/day, but I guess if they open more paths to view animals it won't seem as crowded since they'll be more places to go? I hope it's going to be just as fun as last year...I don't like change!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I know I liked it at night, too! I hope it is not too hot with all of those costumes. Maybe by that time, it won't be too bad.

    Yeah, I don't care about seeing the animals at that event, either.

    Photo by Everything Nice Photography
    My blog
  • exactly, its going to be hot as balls in the costumes during the day and there is going to be 10 million people there!  I have seriously been upset about this all day.  we LOVE halloween here in our household and of all the stupid things I really wanted to make this our tradition and now the damn zoo has gone and ruined it (LOL), but seriously I am sad sad sad.  (that is however very cool that the zoo wrote you back karen!)
  • True Boo! We are having William's party on the 24th so I guess the 25th it is. Let me know if anybody wants to GTG.
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