September 29th. I can't wait! We had the option of having it done by a perinatologist so we'll be able to find out right away if everything is looking good. I think I'd go crazy waiting for the results otherwise. I hope baby cooperates so we can find out if it's a boy or a girl!

DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy

c/p 4/1/11
DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananas
MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
Re: Big u/s scheduled!
Yay good luck.
I didn't realize that the doctor couldn't tell me the results right away! Yikes
I go the 26th and cant't wait!
TTC #2 July 2014
Me: 35 DH: 36
FF Chart
DD1 Feb 2010
Well it depends on who does the u/s. If it's done by an u/s tech, they're only allowed to tell you the sex of the baby. The u/s is then read by a radiologist and the report is given to your doctor. (That's how it works with my doctor's office anyway). But they've started making the peri's available to do the u/s's even for low risk patients- we have to pay a $30 co-pay though.
DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy
c/p 4/1/11
DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananas
MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
wow, less than 1 month shotzie!
And I think I'll probably be right around then too b/c my OB likes to have them done at 19w. I'll find out tjhe date next Tuesday though.
hmmm I think we may find out right away. My doctors office has a doc that only does ultrasounds. when I had my first one(b/c my ute was measuring large) he came in after the tech had taken the measurements, told us results etc.