is anyone else still sleeping on their belly? i always start on my side and then i wake up in the morning and the snoogle is on the floor and im on my belly! i wake up and i panic thinking i squishing her! also ive never slept on my back ever and a few mornings ive woken up on my back! anyone else what is the deal with sleep positions?
Re: belly sleepers...
Piper Jo: October 14'
I think if you're comfy don't worry about it. Now, at 15 weeks, this is the first week where I notice a little pressure on my belly while I'm sleeping on it...but last night I angled my body slightly with a pillow and it was fine.
I will be sad to not be a tummy sleeper anymore.
I do a belly-side combo thing.
I start out on one side and eventually slump forward a bit with the "upper" leg hiked up to support the weight so I'm not completely flat or face first. So I don't put all the pressure on my belly, which is very much showing now.